Author Topic: Why I like this forum  (Read 961 times)


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Why I like this forum
« on: October 18, 2013, 02:07:37 PM »
Please bear with me. I am fairly new here despite loving NMA for a very long time.  My first started thread was because I think BDAW is very poor. I’m being polite here regards my opinion of BDAW but that’s not the point . The BDAW discussions are in other threads. 

I subscribe to many other forums, mostly car or bike related i.e. Yam R1, Rover 800, Mercedes, Gixxer etc etc. Within every forum their always seems to be factions. The professional denigrates an amateurs suggestion,  the  ”holier than thou” moneyed hypocrite complains about the youngsters suggested semi-legal MOT loophole, the “clique” moan about the “yobs” etc …. I’m sure we all know.

People will disagree with my views but here they are honest nice friendly people that I would love to sit in the pub with, over a beer or two or three… You probably already know it but this forum is good. 
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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 04:07:48 PM »
Couldn't agree more. There is, by and large a healthy level of debate on here, always has been. Any fallouts tend to be dealt with in an adult way, 99% of the time without insults, never threatening etc etc.
There's very little drama here, (with one unsavoury and notable exception a while back now...), in general the whole board is jovial, polite and respectful. Information shared, photo's, clips, set lists, news what ever......
Now there's always going to be an ebb and flow of posts and people, but there is always a reasonable number of people on here with some thing interesting to say or discuss.
I'm not on here as much as I used to be, for a number of reasons, but even if I haven't posted I check in every few days for pm's and to see what's happening. There's much worse Forum's and paces to be.
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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2013, 10:11:17 AM »
I too enjoy this forum a lot. I am relatively new here but do frequent two other forums (a Rush forum and a collectors forum)

I have been on other forums briefly and have had similar experiences as MerseyExile in that most forums are dominated by a hardcore group of people who view the forum as "theirs" and like to throw their weight about whenever new people try to get involved. Those with several thousand posts seem to think they know everything and just because you have only got a few posts they feel that knowledge is somehow measured by the number of posts one has.

This is not the case here and I have ot admit that checking on here has become a regular part of my morning and afternoon work routine  ;D
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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2013, 11:10:20 AM »
Hi Dannysan, I've just (re)joined this forum- another Rush fan here!
If I had to name my 3 favourite bands, I think it would have to be (in no particular order)- NMA, Rush and Epica, so pretty diverse tastes  :)


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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2013, 12:01:08 PM »
Hello Alicat,

Hope you enjoy the forum as much as I am. I have quite diverse tastes too. But I think all are made welcome here ;)
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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2013, 05:36:25 PM »
Thanks, it's a shame FB has killed off so many forums  :(

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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2013, 07:15:38 PM »
Totally agree, MerseyExile... I've only been active here for about a year despite being a hardcore NMA fan since the late eighties...  and it is far away the best, most intelligent, kindest and fully-supportive forum I've ever been on.  No matter what you post, you will be met with a good and decent response.  I'm active on a lot of forums, mainly movie-related and the cavalcade of crap that can fall upon your head if you say the wrong word to those people is just offensive... not mentioning EMPIRE ONLINE or anything...  ;)

(Can I also say, at this point, that I once called someone a troll because they disagreed with me about BDAW... still feel a bit ashamed about that... a mixture of drink and being a bit wound-up that night... sorry again...  :-[ )

Keep posting, mate, not just about NMA but anything that's on your mind... we'll do our best to help!!! ;)

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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2013, 07:58:25 PM »
(Can I also say, at this point, that I once called someone a troll because they disagreed with me about BDAW... still feel a bit ashamed about that... a mixture of drink and being a bit wound-up that night... sorry again...  :-[ )

easy to have a bad day, you're not alone, been there once myself on here - while i still stand behind what i was saying i did say it in a little too aggressive/full of my own sh!t mannor

anyway, i thought you called him that because he lived under a bridge & ate goats


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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2013, 09:59:54 AM »
great forum, great people, great band - it's all good from here and beats Spacebook - my opinion, but let's not start that debate again lol
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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2013, 02:40:22 PM »
It is a great forum, full of interesting, intelligent, courteous, warm people. Long may it continue  ;)
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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2013, 06:04:17 PM »
(Can I also say, at this point, that I once called someone a troll because they disagreed with me about BDAW... still feel a bit ashamed about that... a mixture of drink and being a bit wound-up that night... sorry again...  :-[ )

easy to have a bad day, you're not alone, been there once myself on here - while i still stand behind what i was saying i did say it in a little too aggressive/full of my own sh!t mannor

Both of you took words out of my mouth!  :-*

Storms in Teacups will happen and folk can throw their toys out of the pram once in a while but at least it shows people care, and it's real. Compared to the mindless grunting that gets thrown around in other social media (I mean have you seen the frighteningly base level of bollox that gets posted in places like youtube comment?) I'd say this place is pretty tame and I think generally people here are willing to apologise if they have kicked off without due cause.

I'm not one for a big "digital social life". There's only here, a TSupport forum and an Archery board that I get involved with - although I do enjoy reading forums about all sorts of shit, honestly people get mega excited about stuff you never even realised existed  :o - but I like it here because there seems to be room for everyone and space enough for conversations to develop rather than a chain of soundbites.

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Re: Why I like this forum
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2013, 03:05:30 PM »
I used to read / post on quite a few different forums on varied subjects, but over time I either got bored with them, or fed up with the type of forum activity / stereotype forum members that MerseyExile describes. This is about the only one that I still visit on a fairly regular basis, though I don't post as much as I'd like. On the whole, you get a decent, intelligent type of conversation or debate here, and a whole range of varied members. It's great !