Author Topic: White Coats  (Read 898 times)


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White Coats
« on: November 26, 2013, 05:52:57 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm very happy to finally be here!

 I'm Stephan and a big NMA Fan like all of you, I suppose.

So, here's the reason I started this thread.
I have been looking everywhere in the internet for a guitar tab to white coats.

It's my favorite song from NMA to sing along. I just can't find any chords for it.
I think what you hear is mostly bass, but you can find some chords to sing along to every song.

It may not be quite like the original but when I'm singing I need some chords for orientation.
I also don't like singing a cappella without some guitar attendance.

I think it starts of with something like F# than down to C or D. Chorus seems to be something like G, Bm, Am but I may be completly mistaken.

Thank you!
It would really help me in a big way as I want to perform it at my school.

Regards, Stephan


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Re: White Coats
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 06:15:56 PM »
hello Stephan and welcome to the boat train - hope you enjoy communications here - I'm still in a Dylan mood so let me just say 'its aaaaaaahhhl good'
Well not just say that - I have a tendancy to talk a lot!
I like the shout for the chords - could be an interesting separate thread - NMA songs we've figured out.
I'm afraid I hung my guitar on a coathook under the floorboards a few years ago but yup I can say that you can always figure out a buskable version of any song even following the vocal line but especially and definitely by following a bass line so White Coats is certainly adaptaptable to single acoustic guitar...I'm hoping some still working muso here will help you out with this one but let me say that if no one replies in ten days time give this one a bump or give me a pm to remind me and I'll see if I can figure out a very simple version (that's simple as in I'm not good and not as in you can't deal with a complicated version - you know what I mean?)
Ok man - I was taking ten minutes from work to read some posts and wanted to say hello and welcome :)
I really do hope that someone addicted to playing guitar will figure this one out and help you with this but if no biters then do get in touch
Aaaahhl good !


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Re: White Coats
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 08:56:34 PM »
Hello and welcome to the Board, Stephan.

Check this site out mate

It hasn't got Whitecoats unfortunately but there are loads of others.....the chords may not be exactly what the band plays but they work well for the busker  :)

Whitecoats is one of those songs it's hard to strip down to a solo acoustic, as it'd sound a bit lost without Mr Harris's bassline, as you imply....worth a go though - good luck with it.


« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 09:02:03 PM by Barty »
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Re: White Coats
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 09:56:16 PM »
Thanks Barty, of course I'm familiar to that site but unfortunately it doesn't give a clue about playing White Coats as well.

I want to play it really badly but it seems to be quite difficult finding something on the web regarding it.

@Knievel your help would be very appreciated of course but only do it if you have the time! Thanks for your offer <3

Cheers, Snow

Toronto Popular Front

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Re: White Coats
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2013, 08:41:24 AM »
just an idea, but if you could find the bass tab, then work out what key it is in then you could work out a simple chord progression to fit the melody & rythum

this site is helpful, if like me you need a little help working out what notes you can play over something else


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Re: White Coats
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2013, 04:50:15 PM »
Unfortunately I'm not able to derive a guitar tab from a bass tab.

I'm planning on taking some guitar lessons next month maybe the teacher can help me but thanks so far.


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Re: White Coats
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2013, 06:26:37 PM »
No White Coats, but a lot of accurate guitar tabs here, very useful for the acoustic player. And on that subject.... Oi!!! Karmadrome!!!!! There's a new album out just crying for your attention :-)
68 - 99 - 08

rick a.

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Re: White Coats
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2013, 08:47:28 PM »
Can't help with the guitar tabs but "white coats" was the song that got my kids into NMA. We all used to belt that chorus out while travelling in the car. Then, "stupiod questions"......
I'm geared towards the averagae rather than the exceptional.


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Re: White Coats
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2013, 07:31:37 PM »
Hey Snow - sorry for the delays - I've been kinda busy and kinda holidaying both - so anyway i just dug out the guitar now and I can get part way through it and I don't want to be struggling with the rest if you've already got the parts that I can't hear yet...and also now I see you've got a teacher lined up so this one's a great project for you to take to him or her....

Anyway - in the true tradition of all folk music I say it's ok to get the chords wrong if they sound ok - so that's most likely what I've done here but let me give you what I hear....

First bit is from Em to F# - if you hold the F# with your thumb and cover the bottom e (or F# as it now is) and your index finger covering the top e and b then you can get a nice hammer off sound - so you play F# and then F# with an open g string and then F# with an open G open B and open E (ie just take off your first two fingers and play it in various open sounds)

second part is a straight A to G to F#
 and the third part the hey hey bit (Chorus?) is puzzling me - I can get the G to Bm7 to D but then it goes somplace that i can't hear yet - I'm hoping you've got this bit sussed - I'll keep playing with it tonight - I think there's a fourth section to figure out too

Let me know if you sussed the chorus yet...

And yeay, seriously this is a good one to kick off the direction of the lessons with - your teacher should be able to suss it quite easily...