I specifically said Beatles were best selling band of the '00s. Eminem sold more records than any solo artist...and he did sell slightly more than The Beatles. That's embarrassing as hell to any musical artists of that time. You are competing against a band that broke up forty years ago and you can't win?!? Only Eminem out sold The Beatles for that decade. Incredible power that band stil has.
Johnny M,
Great post.
I agree. To dismiss something simply because you don't like it is rather absurd. Borders on childish.
And you are right, enough Beatles, let's get back to New Model Army.
I see a huge connection between NMA and The Beatles. NMA's use of both electric and acoustic guitars, well, what band started that and did it better than anyone else? Can you emphatically state that NMA's acoustic tunes are better than their electric or vice versa? No. Equally great. Beatles pulled off that trick fifty years ago. They seemlessly went from an acoustic track to an electric. New Model Army do the same and are carrying on that wonderful groundwork The Beatles laid down.