great post Rusco! One thing I'd like to ask to you is whenever I fly to Helsinki (not very often) I see some folks wearing metal band's t-shirts all the time.Seems like a big metal scene in your country which is great I think.
Yea, it's still quite widely appreciated here. There are some scenes that get ahead, like power metal and black metal, but there have always been plenty of bands that are plain death and progressive bands. Some may have distinct features such as the Oulu city connection that have a hint of northern themes and sound and then there are bands that share a mythological base of Karelian tradition (which is an epic from 1900th century, a collection of oral poetry and tongue). There are also some festivals that are huge, Tuska and Sauna Open Air for example.
I like some of the long gone Finnish bands but not all the stuff. I've no interest in black metal. Although my background was in metal during the 80's when I was a kid, and early 90's, I moved into punk and hardcore.
However, I see many of the southern european and/or Mediterranean Sea countries bearing a similar trend. Lots of festivals, band t-shirts, die hard fans, and rock and metal clubs etc?

Edit: thank you for your nice words