...It's geo-politics or perhaps more accurately the global commercial system. As it stands our ENTIRE organisational system is dependent on one thing and one thing alone: financial growth.
... simply follow the thread back to the money at the end of the line. Who is reaping the profit and there is your answer 
... Can the appetites of the money makers be sated? If they can then perhaps things can change, if they can't ...........................
Wow, are you barking up the wrong tree.
Please, take another look at the countries you mentioned. Palestine, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar. You really think it is bean counters in Washington or Prague or Munich or London that are the cause of strife (genocide) in those areas? That's an incredibly naïve sentiment. And one that is the politically correct thing to say. "Oh, it is the oil financiers in Texas that are the cause of the extermination of the Rohingyas in Myanmar." You really believe that?
No, my friend, it is religion.
Find incredible cruelty and unthinkable acts of depravity and horror in many nation's across the world and, as you said, "simply follow the thread back to the end of the line." But you will find not money at the end of that line; you will find religion.
Friend, perhaps in the colonial days of the British Empire strife arose from "who is reaping the profit." But now global horror stems from religion.