Author Topic: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA  (Read 1112 times)

Viv Savage

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Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:38:09 AM »
From the Home Page:

Whole World Band App Featuring NMA

We have just contributed a New Model Army song to a genuinely exciting new interactive app called WholeWorldBand.

The app was the brainchild of Kevin Godley whom Justin met last year at Hamburg Reeperbahn festival. Kevin’s brilliant idea was to use technology to help musicians from anywhere in the world to collaborate together in an entirely new way.

We thought the idea very exciting, and have now posted on the site the forthcoming single “Seven Times” as our first ‘seed’ track . Our version is a bare bones recording with just vocal, chords and a basic rhythm track leaving space for drummers, bassists, guitarists, pianists, vocalists, violinists, (absolutely any musician) to add to or re-interpret the song and we're really looking forward to listening to other musicians' contributions.

To see the basic version of Seven Times with added brass: CLICK HERE

Right now the app is only available for iPad, but the hope is that it will soon be available on lots of different devices; in the meantime, we hope you can beg or borrow an iPad to have a look and hopefully enjoy making music with us. The app is free to download and then a small charge is usually involved to play along with the content so that anyone who contributes can get paid fairly for their work, something which often seems has been put on the back seat by many recent technological developments. However right now, WholeWorldBand are offering free tokens to anyone who downloads the app and registers so you can get going and recording with us for free straight away.

To download the iPad app, you can do so here via the iTunes store:

To find out more about WHOLE WORLD BAND, please click here:


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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2014, 12:19:39 PM »
That really is a great idea: it'll be fascinating to see how songs develop.
.                                                                               I'm just a country mile behind the world...


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Whole World Band App Featuring NMA... fascinating musical adventure, idea!
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2019, 05:18:38 AM »
From the Home Page:

Whole World Band App Featuring NMA

We have just contributed a New Model Army song to a genuinely exciting new interactive app called WholeWorldBand.

The app was the brainchild of Kevin Godley whom Justin met last year at Hamburg Reeperbahn festival. Kevin’s brilliant idea was to use technology to help musicians from anywhere in the world to collaborate together in an entirely new way.

We thought the idea very exciting, and have now posted on the site the forthcoming single “Seven Times” as our first ‘seed’ track . Our version is a bare bones recording with just vocal, chords and a basic rhythm track leaving space for drummers, bassists, guitarists, pianists, vocalists, violinists, (absolutely any musician) to add to or re-interpret the song and we're really looking forward to listening to other musicians' contributions.

To see the basic version of Seven Times with added brass: CLICK HERE

Right now the app is only available for iPad, but the hope is that it will soon be available on lots of different devices; in the meantime, we hope you can beg or borrow an iPad to have a look and hopefully enjoy making music with us. The app is free to download and then a small charge is usually involved to play along with the content so that anyone who contributes can get paid fairly for their work, something which often seems has been put on the back seat by many recent technological developments. However right now, WholeWorldBand are offering free tokens to anyone who downloads the app and registers so you can get going and recording with us for free straight away.

To download the iPad app, you can do so here via the iTunes store:

To find out more about WHOLE WORLD BAND, please click here:

Wasn't around when this was originally posted.  Been doing some back tracking recently and stumbled upon this thread.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong, exactly, but that link isn't working for me.  All I get is a screen with a tiny 1" x 1" video player, that doesn't play anything.  Been at it for about an hour or so, should've been enough time for it to load, no?   :-\  Anyone here able to view it?  Seen it before?  Tell me what I'm missing, please.

I'm no musician, but as a massive music lover, I find the endless musical possibilities this kind of project/app could attract, invite, spark, initiate, create, ignite - could prove to be quite promising... well, depending on how much interest it drums up, so to speak.  What an amazing opportunity, wonderful idea!!  Can't speak for others here, but the more versions there are of NMA/JS songs, the more thrilled I am to listen to each and every one of them!  I adore multiple versions, as well as, remixes... the more varied, the better!  Whatever happened to those 50 or so Mushroom magazine remixes, from a while back, now?  There were a handful of really good ones, that I wish I had proper copies of.  Ah, I'm the only nut in here who probably remembers those.    ::) 
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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2019, 06:33:57 AM »
I also didn't notice this until now. Thanks for bringing it up again 8!

For me the link is working. It's a split screen, left nma playing in their studio/room and on the right side someone is playing brass to it.

Very interesting project!

I use firefox as a browser.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 06:36:44 AM by cthulhu »
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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2019, 07:06:06 AM »
I also didn't notice this until now. Thanks for bringing it up again 8!

For me the link is working. It's a split screen, left nma playing in their studio/room and on the right side someone is playing brass to it.

Very interesting project!

I use firefox as a browser.

Ooo, fcuk, let me try that!  Hope it works.  Cheers Cthulhu!  :)
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for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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Whole World Band App Featuring NMA with their song 'Seven Times'
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2019, 08:53:34 AM »
Ok, the foxy flame (Firefox) allows me one step closer.  This time, I can actually see images... NMA on the right, and a bloke doing trumpet duties, to the left.  But that's all I can manage.  It starts to play, plays for a second and stops.  The player keeps trying to buffer, to no avail, though.   :'(   I'm not tech savvy.  Actually, I'm quite thick, full-stop.  No yoke, um joke.  I've tried closing all my opened windows and programs, but that hasn't helped any. 

This is probably far-fetched, but what are the chances of the Brassman surfing here?  If so, I'd love to ask a few questions.  Perhaps someone here knows the mystery man? 
Have him drop in at some point for a quick chat about how he came to lend his efforts to this superb project, idea.

To the rest of the 'musicians' (using that term rather loosely, not sure that anyone who is capable of playing an instrument ok-ish, would feel comfortable calling themselves a musician... but that would be of their own chosing) in the house, floating here...

1.  Is this something you'd like to try, attempt?

2.  What instrument(s) do you play?

3.  What are your thoughts on the choice of song?

4.  Is the song bare enough for you?  Enough to squeeze in peaks and touches, here and there?

5.  Do we have any beatboxers sleeping here, as well?

6.  What about Didgeridoo players, anyone?

7.  How about female vocalists, are you a good fit for Mr. Sullivan, pitch and range-wise... you could slide straight-up, next to his vocal, and melt/fuse yours into his, with his'.   :D :) :P ;) 8) :-*  (ooo, I don't know about that last emoji... it's a bit funky / naughty-lookin', eh?  Yep, ok... don't go there, don't  go there.  DAMN!  Too late.  Awe yeahh!)   :P :P 8)

8.  How about remixers?  Care to tackle this tune?  How so?  What style?

lol, I could be here for days, for how much stuff like this thrills and excites me.  What a colossal opportunity!!!  Jump in here, there, peeps!  Please don't say that that trumpeter was the only one who took a chance.  Ohhh, c'mon you guys.  I KNOW there's talent lurking here.  What the fcuk you waitin' for, take a giant leap... in surprising yourselves, you just might surprise us too!   :'( :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2019, 09:03:53 AM »
Maybe right click on the video and download it..
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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2019, 09:06:30 AM »
I think this works very well.

The song is stripped down to rhythm and voice and in this version, the brass is fitting very well into it.

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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2019, 09:16:33 AM »
So i just uploaded it to youtube, just for you  :-*
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(samuel beckett)


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Say it isn't so, please... only one? Whaaaat the hell.
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2019, 09:32:56 AM »
Maybe right click on the video and download it..

lol, just goes to show just how tardy I really am!  I never knew I could even right click on the video and download it!  Thanks for the tip, attempting to download as I type.  Cheers cthulhu.  :)

I think this works very well.  The song is stripped down to rhythm and voice and in this version, the brass is fitting very well into it.

Ok, I'm getting antsy now.  WTF!!  So just the one person made an effort.  Are you fcukin' kidding me?  ONE guy out of, what, how many fans in here, out there with musical sensibilities, capabilities, chops.  Seriously?  Just ONE???  So just ONE dude had the balls, guts, heart, soul, fire, energy to even try?  Well, I just want to say, THANKS man, and hopefully your efforts will inspire others to make the jump also.  Kudos dude, wherever you are, and HUGE thanks for lovin' NMA.   :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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Danke cthulhu!
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2019, 09:43:15 AM »
So i just uploaded it to youtube, just for you  :-*

Ahoy there matey!  ROTFLMAO!!  Get that there grossest of all emojis out a here!  (*says in an amiable fun-luvin' Mojo Nixon-on-Don Henley-kinda way.*)
Seriously, thanks for the gesture.  Much appreciated, Cthulhu.  :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

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Re: Whole World Band App Featuring NMA
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2019, 10:00:47 AM »
You're welcome, Schatzi;)
Hope you could see and hear it now.

I think one has to log into the app to see if there are other versiond available. I saw that there is a windows/android version out. Just follow the link.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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So i just uploaded it to youtube, just for you  :-*

As Ace (Ventura) would say, 'Alrighty-then'...

Ok... Just took it in, from top to bottom, in its entirety - thrice 'round.  MwahahahaAhhh.  Serious now, folks.  It's defintely NOT finished and definitely IS stripped right back to the cool bare bones of it.  There's still SO much wiggle room, though, to do stuff in - add stuff, tweaks and sparks here and there.  SO much room for dimension, colour, weight, juice, meat, further substance, depth, to breathe... and flesh out the piece.

First off it's completely missing the entire bottom end, what with Cery not on bass, Michael just barely tickling his kit, Marshall not even plugged into an amp?  What???  And where the heck is Dean gone to... coffee run?  Nope, he's likely the dude filming the whole pic.  That man is an asset to the band, as are all of them, but Dean is able to do a lot, and do it pretty damn well.

Well, how bloody generous was that, of the band, eh?  To knock out the entire bottom end.  'C'mon people now, smile on your'  band (NMA) here, for this massive, colossal, WONDERFUL opportunity!!!  Because THAT's exactly one of the musical charateristics that the band is most known and loved for, the bottom end, aka THE bass.  Should've been a hell of an eye opener as to what the band might've been hoping for, looking for in potential artistes contributions, efforts, attempts.

I'd love to have a beatboxer like KRNFX get hold of this track, or someone electronic synth 'GOD' like Ulrich Schnauss rip it wide open and take it to an all-new level, of heightened awareness, consciousness... 'Cause if there's a guy who could achieve that, he's ONE for certain!  Or, maybe the guys from Legion of Green Men or even Rhys Fulber.  NMA needs to be taken a bit out of their comfort zone, but not by force, but by LOVE and appreciation, respect of and for their musical skill, chops - uniqueness.

I don't know, what sayeth y'all here-in?  Speaketh so that thou my be heard, so that thou may be spoken to in return.  Wow, fcuk, surely I'm not the only nut in this bunch of lovers.  Bums me right out, when I see so much potential, so much worth and good and none of it cherished, paid forward.  I have neither musical, technical or otherwise skill; neither brains or sources for articulating what it is I want to see be done with the band, to the band, for the band - clearly.  I'm just a never was, not even tryin' to be a has been.  Just yer average simpleton, cursed with fcukin' big eyes and a damned heavy heart.

SO much worth and beauty, potential... in this band, in this project.  Sigh.   :'(

Only one dude.  ONE.  OMG!!  'One'!  Yeah, how 'bout those harp twins Camille and Kennerly?  That'd be interesting, no?   Two girls, one harp... hell yeah!   :D

I might edit this post to include links, because something tells me folks might not knows who some of the artists I mentioned, are.  Only time will tell.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 11:37:12 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

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