Going off at a slight tangent, while delving around in a bag of old tapes in my garage loft the other day I came across one I'd forgotten about completely - a live recording from Leicester Poly from November 1984, probably bought off a bootleg seller around 25 years ago. Had a listen to some of it today after digging out a working tape recorder and it's not too bad quality other than being very toppy; I suspect it was recorded on a walkman. I've vague recollection of there being a few recordings kicking around from 1985 gigs, but I don't think I've ever come across an earlier live recording than the one I've got.
I guess it might be possible to improve it a bit if converted to digital and reprocessed to bring the treble levels down, I do need to get a tape to digital converter and get some of the stuff I've got on cassette saved. Finding time to do it is a different matter...