That was SO much
more and
better than I was hoping it would be! I wish I could have that every night, heheheh! If you guys ever opt to do this sort of LIVE online streaming thing again, fcukin' count me in. I'm going to pay-to-view it again tomorrow as well. I have crap internet speed, and watched the entire show on my laptop, in a 5"x7" frame and STILL, it blew me away! Yeah, even if there were a few glitches, it was SO WORTH IT and every cent, plus so much more!!! I'm certainly in for a DVD+CD release of the show, if you good folks decide to produce one. I honestly think you guys ripped yourselves off by charging just a tenner. I would've paid as much as I do to see Neil Young! Really. I'm dead fcukin' serious about that. Stop questioning and doubting yourselves already, ok? Okay.

It was SO wonderful to see everyone, especially Mr.
Dean & his kit. It seemed bigger than the one that goes on the road with him, but I might be just imagining it. Would've been sweet if we had a bit more Mr.
White in there, but loved that I could hear his voice pretty clearly. When you lovely lot (
CM &
MD) sing back-up together, you blend so well that it's so hard to peg who's who in there, when singing your parts. That's fantastic, actually. Never in the entire history of the band, has it been blessed with such great singers, voices. It was ace to see Mr.
Gill playing a Les Paul again, too. And Mr.
Monger, your bass lines and acoustic guitar abilities truly impressed me. I love that Mr.
Monger and Mr.
White can play so many different instruments, and so well too. What a bonus that must be!
Sullivan, thank you
so much for warming up all the in between spaces between the songs. It's little things like that are the magic, underestimated, often overlooked and underappreciated bits to many, but certainly not the case here, with me. I treasure those moments. Also, you made a comment about your voice not doing what you wanted it to do, but I loved the way you ended that particular song. I wouldn't've changed a thing, the song turned out just as beautiful.
Denby... the unknown soldier, your artwork was superb intertwined and woven in there, too. And if the idea was yours, to have all those truly magnificent photos grace our screens during the intermission / break, that was such a brilliant touch. You all should seriously consider putting together a real photo album, NMA coffee-table type book. Every single one of those photos was amazing. I'd certainly love to purchase such a book, if ever one is produced. It'd be even more so beautiful, if it was interspersed with your art work, not just pieces that have been used for NMA, but just anything you've painted and drawn over the years, would be just gorgeous.
I really want to thank every single person who had a hand in bringing this whole unconventional live gig to fruition. I hope you all found just as much love and joy in it as much as we all did, as audience members, supporters. I'm sure it must've been really odd, weird for you guys, like perhaps what actors have to go through when working with
green screens. It really uncovers who the
true artists are, as you've each so well confirmed and proven that you are, to us earlier this evening.
This next bit is the weirdest bit, for me to digest. I swear on my own life that I can't see the future, but sometimes I really frighten myself to death, really. Never in my wildest dreams or scariest nightmares did I see what was coming when I posted this next bit in
an old thread back in January of 2019... but it actually came true. I just wish it had been under brighter circumstances though than due to covid-19. But what was made earlier this evening by you
wonderful musical soldiers & co., was astonishing, sacred, and an absolutely treasured blessing.
Thank you, each of you, for offering and making something beautiful out of a seriously crap situation due to covid. Rest warmly this evening,
'soldiers on either side of the burning bridge'... 'cause you've more than earned it and hope to see you all in the flesh, at some point in the (hopefully) not too distant future. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Lots of love, respect and gratitude,
But, I suppose if all else fails, NMA could set up to play in a large crowdless room, with great acoustics, somewhere in Bradford (or wherever), with video cameras set up to record at all interesting angles, and we could pay via paypal or something to get access to view such a concert(s). Who knows, maybe this is where gigging might end up going / being for some other bands, but I do NOT see this as being the case for NMA/JS... they just love to play live, even if some of them might not like touring bit so much. 
Many of us here are somewhat regular NMA/JS concert goers. But I know folks that unfortunately see one gig, and that's enough for them... they don't catch the bug, as it were. And I remember Ms. Denby mentioning that fewer and fewer people are going out to see fresh new talent, which I personally don't understand, like what could possibly be better than watching a cool gig? 
Sadly, I have no clue how to help out that band(s) / artist(s) I love, other than to go see them play live and ONLY buy their merchandise directly from their own official websites or at their gigs. I keep trying to brainstorm possible solutions or ways around losing revenue, for them, but I haven't figured anything out yet... primarily because I'm not in the music business, I'm just a regular Joe, y'know? 