Yup, MR's got his list-making head on again...

Funny year for movies, several big releases didn't come out at cinemas thanks to some virus thingy or other (not sure if you heard about that one

) and some were instead released right into your homes, which might be a good thing or not, but that's another debate... but which films blew your socks off this year, wherever you saw them?
Obviously we've got the whole 'what year?' thing going on, seeing as some of my choices are, technically, films from 2019 but only came out in the UK in 2020 so I'm doing this from a purely UK view... I'm gonna go with this list...
1 – Parasite
2 - Jojo Rabbit
3 - The Personal History Of David Copperfield
4 - Borat Subsequentmoviefilm
5 – Tenet
6 - Eurovision Song Contest – The Story Of Fire Saga
7 - 1917
8 - The Hunt
9 - Bill And Ted Face The Music
10 - Possessor
Whaddya reckon? Which movies did it for you in 2020? What did I miss off of this list (I'm pretty sure there's one or two that I've forgotten about and will subsequently kick myself for)... love to hear your opinions or lists!