16 songs on this new Justin Sullivan solo album...impressive.
Which is your big favourite song on this album...or, if you want, your 3 or 5 favourite tracks on it?

And if possible, explain why!

My number 1 big favourite, one week later, is still "Sea again"...the gorgeous sweet dreamy voice and melodies...we are in the NAVIGATING BY THE STARS unvierse here!
Second..."1975"...i think the voice lyrics and music flow beautifully on this track.
Third..."Surrounded"...i think that it is a beautiful way to end the album...the simple music works nicely and i especially like Justin's "crooner" (?) voice flying "high" during the song. I think that it is maybe my favourite part of singing from him on the whole album.
Fourth..."Sao Paulo"...i like the dark intriguing and haunting atmosphere of this track. It would be great to use it on a film's soundtrack. Not the same lyrics of course than on the unforgettable "Someone like Jesus" but a bit of the same kind of slow, haunting "jazzy" atmosphere maybe?
Fifth, ex aequo, because all of them good tracks:
"Amundsen", "Akistan", "Stone and heather", "Coming with me", "Clean Horizon", "Ride", "Daughter of the sun"!
It's really interesting to see how we all react differently to the songs on the album. With 16 songs it's quite a lot to listen to and to take in. When Justin sent me his demos in late summer last year, it really took me quite some listens to get my head around it. There were some songs that instantly spoke to me and some that did not touch me at all.