"Sorry" if there were already some talks about this artist on the forum but i think that she deserves her own thread!
Meg Myers is a good musical find of my last months, alongside others great bands/artists i've found recently like The Sound (post punk), Molly Tuttle (country/bluegrass), Larkin Poe (blues/rock/soul)...Meg Myers is very obviously influenced by 90's music, the grunge era, Kate Bush, PJ Harvey...there are raw visceral feelings in her music and lyrics but also a pop quality, she has a foot in the indie rock and another one in the mainstream pop...
she is stunning on live, for example her concert at Lollapalooza 2014 and she is maybe even more impressive sounding on acoustic, unplugged, where her powerful nuanced voice isn't drowned/crushed in the at times massive sound production of her solo albums , and i think her duo with her cool guitar and cello player Ken Oaks works very well.
I recommend to you her albums SORRY and TAKE ME TO THE DISCO, also her early EP's DAUGHTER IN THE CHOIR and MAKE A SHADOW. Her last EP THANK U FOR TAKING ME TO THE DISCO... is interesting but a bit more uneven in my opinion, but still with a few good songs ('the underground", "last laugh", "true liars")
"Motel" from her great debut album SORRY is still probably my favourite song from her, its lyrics and music are moving, haunting:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvR4EXOnAtE&ab_channel=MegMyersMegMyersCha%C3%AEned%27artisteofficielle"Adelaide" (acoustic):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4-pmun-f_8&ab_channel=102.9TheBuzz"The morning after", a beautiful acoustic song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqYEmk_UjdY&ab_channel=MegMyers"Desire" (live), a very "electrifying" song..:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxbQllntAqg&ab_channel=iwaseasymeatiwaseasymeat"Numb", another great song, about her unfortunate harrowing work under the major company Atlantic...the Pixies influence is obvious in the cool bass intro:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORaln6aPqUk&ab_channel=MegMyers"Constant" another beautiful poignant acoustic song, one of the best songs of her second album TAKE ME TO THE DISCO:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-z4-q3Xeqg&ab_channel=MegMyersMegMyersCha%C3%AEned%27artisteofficielle"Heart heart head" (live)...first time i listened to this song i smiled of its "over the top" finale, but despite it, it still has something haunting and powerful..:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgNvhpru1yE&ab_channel=razorstarzzrazorstarzzMeg Myers's cover of "Masters of War":