Author Topic: Justin Surrounded Tour  (Read 3323 times)


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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2021, 06:18:22 AM »
It was such a beautiful gig... I don't think there's a way to describe it as it was "just" a pure feeling... I did cry...  :'( but it was a good feeling... And I was happy to stand up at the end! :D
Glad you enjoyed it, waiting for my turn next month.




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Justin Sullivan - 2021 - Surrounded Tour requests...
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2021, 03:33:53 AM »
Hello everyone,

It's been far too long.  I hope you are all doing well, are safe and sound.

If it's not too much to ask, would those of you who've either already been, or will be attending any of Mr. Sullivan's solo dates, please share in this thread your in-depth thoughts about the shows?  For those of us who have no chance of hitting-up any live gigs this year, please share something, anything, with us?

1.  What your favourite song(s) of the evening(s) were?

2.  What your own, personal highlight(s) of the night(s) were?

3.  Did you jot the setlist down?  If so, care to share it / them with those of us who weren't there?

4.  Link a visual clip you particularly love?

5.  What was the venue like?

6.  How about the weather, what was it like?

7.  How was the crowd size-wise, vibe-wise?

8.  What (s) words did he share with you all (as audience members), between songs?

9.  Did / do you hope to hear a particular song, if so, which one?

Ohhh, Mr. Sullivan please consider doing a live solo stream, too?  Please?  Please?  Please?  Sometime before year's end, perhaps?

I'd pay to see you play.  I genuinely feel and believe that a lot of us would.  The live stream wouldn't need to be anything fancy.  Just something simple, basic, doable.  I ask because the clock keeps on ticking and at this point I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to see, feel, hear you play a completely solo gig -- in the flesh, in person -- especially here on this, the wrong side of the earth (=North America).  I'm sure there are many folk in the same boat, scattered all over the rest of the world who'd love to see and hear you play... 'anyway, anyhow, anywhere' YOU 'choose'.  Just some kind of live stream?  Anything is better than nothing.  I really miss gigs.  I miss everything... :'(:-[ 
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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2021, 07:25:39 AM »
Just a few impressions from Nuremberg (11/09/2021). The Justin Sullivan gig was my first after a year and a half COVID hiatus, and I thoroughly enjoyed it…
Pleasant temperatures (only a few drops of rain), a beautiful location, around 200 very attentive people in the crowd, seated at tables, JS in high spirits, and a very enthusiastic seal in the neighboring zoo, who barked diligently during song breaks and provided some laughs. Justin‘s voice was very room-filling (despite playing an open air gig), deep and at the same time very clear (at NMA concerts it sometimes sounds much rougher), and his guitar playing sounded very clean. The combination was simply beautiful.

The setlist as far as I remember it: Maps / Changing of the Light / Amundsen / Coming With Me / Unforgiven / No Greater Love / Rip Tides / Strogoula / Marrakesh / Over the Wire / Clean Horizon / Stone and Heather / Where I Am / Passing Through / You Weren't There / Bad Old World / Eyes Get Used to the Darkness // 1975 / Sun on Water / Die Trying / Fate / Snelsmore Wood

Magic  :)


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Re: Justin Sullivan - 2021 - Surrounded Tour requests...
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2021, 09:42:45 AM »
Ohhh, Mr. Sullivan please consider doing a live solo stream, too?  Please?  Please?  Please?  Sometime before year's end, perhaps?

and also one or two or three solo concerts in France would be cool, too! 8)


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Nuremburg impressions + hopes for dates in France...
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2021, 07:08:35 PM »
Just a few impressions from Nuremberg (11/09/2021).  The Justin Sullivan gig was my first after a year and a half COVID hiatus, and I thoroughly enjoyed it…

Greetings Sydowski, :)

Not sure if we've ever conversed on here before either, but I want to thank you SO very much for dropping in to share your impressions, thoughts, findings, experience, etc., with us.  I find reading 'fan' reviews moreso important, validating, enjoyable, rewarding than reading those of some fancy-schmancy journalist, who might be writing a review in some paper (or whatever), just to earn a pay cheque or worse, for all the wrong reasons, to get some incredible perk that might come with the job.

In the past, I found that too many of them were way off-the-mark and questionable anyway.  Perhaps the reviews were written by folk who didn't like, get or grasp NMA's material, repertoire, live shows, following, etc..  Things are changing a bit though, these days.  NMA have had some good reviews for their newer material.  Though when it comes to radio, there's a lot more catching up to do.  Disc jockeys still tend to focus predominantly on all things "Thunder and Consolation".  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that album... immensely.  But c'mon radio stations, disc jockeys, journalists... NMA have released 11 terrific studio albums since that one!!  Which, if one pauses to take a look, was actually just their fourth.  There are still NMA fans out there in the world that have no clue that NMA went on to release not one, not 3, not 5, but 11 full-length studio albums.

Pleasant temperatures (only a few drops of rain)
beautiful location
around 200 very attentive people in the crowd, seated at tables,
JS in high spirits,
and a very enthusiastic seal in the neighboring zoo, who barked diligently during song breaks and provided some laughs.

What the 'eck, a barking seal?  In a neighbouring zoo?!  LMAO!!  No way, you've gotta be kidding, lol. :D  I guess it felt left out, y'know... 'cause I guess it 'was uninvited' 'n all. ::) "arr, arr, arr!" pada-pum ;D  forgive me, couldn't resist the seriously cheesy joke! :)

Hey, here's some awesome NMA trivia for those who might not have heard...

NMA's apparently played at a festival gig with actual, real, proper chickens running around the grounds!!! :D
ROTFLMAO!  Can you even imagine it?  I mean seriously, just picture it for one cool split second...

Justin's completely centred, in-check...
his penetrating full-on wild-eyed-gaze is upon the hungry, loyal, anticipating audience...
he's driven, intensely-focused,
readying himself up for that most crucial, pivotal, noted-musical-cue, for him to crash in to sing his part...
just as the rest of the guys Michael, Dean, Marshall and Ceri are striking
and pounding the fcuk out of their musical instruments,
with such impeccable, precision, ferocity, vigor and speed,
the tune for which they have begun to play...
that noted-musical-cue comes ever-so-swiftly clamoring-in...
Justin grips his mic with fists so unassailably tight,
breaks into the audible space between the band and the crowd,
of beaming, glistening fans...
and like the crack of lightning and rumbling roar of thunder itself,
Justin pulls his mic in towards himself, just right 'n tight enough, close enough to channel and summon the 'GODs' of old...
everyone's psyched, everyone's pumped...
it's chaos, it's pandemonium -- out there in the mosh pit, all muddied folk, revved-up for the gig...
Justin parts his firm 'n full, yet soft dew-kissed-lips -- like a soothsayer, prophet,
calling on / drawing-in his / their faithful devotees...
he sings into his mic, with eyes-closed-oh-so-tight...
"Here Comes The wWaaarrrrrRRRr!",
as a flock of 6 cackling, clucking chickens go passing across the field,
like nothing's happening, just casually nodding their heads
back 'n forth, back 'n forth, back 'n forth -- rather amusingly, quite surprisingly in rhythm with the raging tune,
pecking away at the festival grounds,
just looking for their next meal.

For the record, it didn't happen that way, at all.  I'm just having a little fun with the bit of NMA trivia. ::)  And yeah, I genuinely can't tell a story or joke... not even if my life depended on it.  But there's just something about the thought of NMA playing at a gig with chickens running amuck in the mosh pit too, that's actually pretty cool... very cute and totally endearing, sweet, plausible.  Particularly enjoyed the Nuremburg setlist + barking seal story!  Hopefully it didn't cause too much of a kerfuffle or spoil the mood for JS or anyone. :)

Justin‘s voice was very room-filling (despite playing an open air gig),
deep and at the same time very clear (at NMA concerts it sometimes sounds much rougher),
and his guitar playing sounded very clean.  The combination was simply beautiful.

I love, love, LOVE Mr. Sullivan's voice!  Especially, on both "Navigating By The Stars" and "Surrounded".  It is his greatest, natural and innate blessing, gift, instrument.  It certainly is as warm and captivating as the bee's knees.  He can conquer and shift tectonic plates, move mountains, bend and fold water with it. 8)  It's what drew me in all those years ago, then came the music, the face, the smokin' HOT body.  'hmmm-yesss', as stunning Kate would tenderly whisper.  He's definitely in a league all of his own... 8)

The setlist as far as I remember it:
 1.  Maps
 2.  Changing of the Light
 3.  Amundsen
 4.  Coming With Me
 5.  Unforgiven
 6.  No Greater Love
 7.  Rip Tides
 8.  Strogoula
 9.  Marrakesh
10.  Over the Wire
11.  Clean Horizon
12.  Stone and Heather
13.  Where I Am
14.  Passing Through
15.  You Weren't There
16.  Bad Old World
17.  Eyes Get Used to the Darkness
18.  1975
19.  Sun on Water
20.  Die Trying
21.  Fate
22.  Snelsmore Wood

Magic  :)

Ohhh, Sydowski, I'm sure it was so much more than magic. :)  Thank you SO very much for sharing your in-depth impressions, the Nuremburg setlist, the mentioning of the barking seal... just all of it, everything.  Your contribution to these here page, truly made my day!  Stay safe, enjoy the rest of yours, Sydowski.  And I hope you'll get to attend another JS solo date or two, soon.  Cheers! :)

Ohhh, Mr. Sullivan please consider doing a live solo stream, too?
Please?  Please?  Please?  Sometime before year's end, perhaps?
and also one or two or three solo concerts in France would be cool, too! 8)

Hey! :D  Who knows, Guillaume, his lady-love lives there!  So why not then?  He would definitely have a warm place to stay, no need for hotels or Air B&Bs!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the French contingent, Guillaume!  Stay safe and hope you thoroughly enjoy the rest of your day, too, Guillaume. :)

Actually, I'd like to extend those very same wishes, to every floater / poster here.
Happy gigging, resting, listening, reading, and / or posting... to all!
Stay safe and take care of yourselves and each other. :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2021, 09:05:14 PM »


  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: Nuremburg impressions + hopes for dates in France...
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2021, 01:27:15 PM »
Hey! :D  Who knows, Guillaume, his lady-love lives there!  So why not then?  He would definitely have a warm place to stay, no need for hotels or Air B&Bs!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the French contingent, Guillaume!  Stay safe and hope you thoroughly enjoy the rest of your day, too, Guillaume. :)

thank you very much 8!
and take care of you too!  ;)


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Qu'est-ce que tu penses...
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2021, 02:39:10 PM »
Hey! :D  Who knows, Guillaume, his lady-love lives there!  So why not then?  He would definitely have a warm place to stay, no need for hotels or Air B&Bs!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the French contingent, Guillaume!  Stay safe and hope you thoroughly enjoy the rest of your day, too, Guillaume. :)
thank you very much 8! and take care of you too!  ;)

Merci Guillaume, tu es très gentil.  Je pense que votre souhait se réalisera, mais nous pourrions obtenir un album de ces concerts solo avant cette date. ;)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Re: Qu'est-ce que tu penses...
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2021, 01:20:08 PM »
nous pourrions obtenir un album de ces concerts solo avant cette date. ;)

it would be great for sure!! 8) 8)


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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2021, 08:24:42 PM »
I saw the Frankfurt and Osnabruck gig this weekend. Both in the open air and both great. In Osnabruck he played Rivers and Ballad of Bodmin Pill. Nice! It fellt good to travel from Amsterdam to see again some live shows.


  • Totally Obsessed
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SURROUNDED tour 2021...
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2021, 02:00:21 AM »
German review of the Nürnberg gig:

Cheers for posting that awesome link, Sam37! :)  That review was actually really sweet!  That is, if google nailed the translation.  I wouldn't know for sure, though.  I particularly loved the bit where Christian Mückl wrote (as well as noted) that Mr. Sullivan "...can be angry without barking like an angry citizen, and thoughtful without crying."  I think that's a spot-on observation, actually, especially where JS' words, music, performances are concerned, be they in or out of NMA.

I saw the Frankfurt and Osnabruck gig this weekend.  Both in the open air and both great.  In Osnabruck he played Rivers and Ballad of Bodmin Pill.  Nice!  It felt good to travel from Amsterdam to see again some live shows.

Hello and cheers for posting all those details, Pinballjim! :)  "Rivers" and "Ballad of Bodmin Pill", what a nice surprise!  Aren't outdoor concerts fantastic?  Those are actually my favourite kind, though I prefer non-festival gigs.  What I mean by that is, concerts that take place over the course of 2 to 4 days.  The crowds are too large at those and the tickets, much more expensive.  Hopefully those two JS gigs will be the first of many JS/NMA-related ones for you this year.  If so, please come back and post something about them, there's someone here (=me) who'd love to read about each of them.

Anyone here (reading this) also contribute to  I'm asking because I noticed there's an error with the setlist for JS' date in Munich (this past September 16th).  It says that songs #12 and #13 were both "Where I Am".  I'm really hoping someone who actually attended that show, is willing and kind enough to go to Mr. Sullivan's page for September 16th, 2021 Munich date and make the necessary correction(s).

Also, I'm hoping someone who was at JS' show on September 20th in Cologne and yesterday in Maastricht, can enter the setlists for those of us genuinely interested in the songs he chooses for each of his shows.  Here's the main page for solo JS at  Thanking whomever does so here, in advance... Thank You. :)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 02:05:19 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Re: SURROUNDED tour 2021...
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2021, 05:55:43 AM »
Anyone here (reading this) also contribute to  I'm asking because I noticed there's an error with the setlist for JS' date in Munich (this past September 16th).  It says that songs #12 and #13 were both "Where I Am".  I'm really hoping someone who actually attended that show, is willing and kind enough to go to Mr. Sullivan's page for September 16th, 2021 Munich date and make the necessary correction(s).

Also, I'm hoping someone who was at JS' show on September 20th in Cologne and yesterday in Maastricht, can enter the setlists for those of us genuinely interested in the songs he chooses for each of his shows.  Here's the main page for solo JS at  Thanking whomever does so here, in advance... Thank You. :)

I was at Maastricht yesterday and it was really superb. Very nice venue of course, nicely setup, great atmosphere and Justin was very talkative and really funny. He made me laugh out loud on several occasions. All in all an even better experience than the previous show I was at.

At one point he's starting Bodmin Pill, and the lights guy changes lights, putting him more or less in the dark for a second. He stops the intro, and explains that he is a lousy guitarist, and that he could no longer see the dots on the neck of his guitar and that threw him off. Might not be funny as I tell it, but trust me, it was :)

I tried to compose the setlist from memory and using previous setlists: Not 100% sure.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 05:58:58 AM by Bever »


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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2021, 05:34:35 PM »
 Köln, second night (the private, last ,end-of-summer, half-standing festival gig... ;)):

 Changing of the Light
 Coming With Me
 No Greater Love
 Over the Wire
 Die Trying
 Clean Horizon
 Stone and Heather
 Where I Am
 Passing Through
 You Weren't There
 Ballad Of Bodmin Pill

 Encore 1:
 Setting Sun
 Snelsmore Wood

 Encore 2:
 Bad Old World

 Not quite sure where to fit Rip Tides and Stone And Heather in, which were definately played as well...


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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2021, 08:07:01 AM »


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Re: Justin Surrounded Tour
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2021, 12:38:15 AM »
I posted some photos and thoughts about the Blackpool gig in another thread, suffice to say, 10/10 for the gig, the venue and the general atmosphere.