This is something new - the official Angry Planet video has been age restricted on YouTube.

and the comments section has been scrapped as well.
I can understand the age restriction bit, children are growing up far too fast these days. They're constantly getting mentally scarred / traumatised / puzzled / bombarded by a lot of potentially harmful stuff they stumble across online, be it read or seen. That said, I still feel though, that the comments section should've at least been left intact and accessible to those who are of age / signing in to YouTube. Maybe people got out of hand in there. If that was the case, then it makes total sense.
Engaging in conversation; discussing things, topics, subject matter, art
(or whatever it may be), is incredibly important, particularly if the matter at hand is raising questions, concerns, anxieties, doubts, or whatever. I think to achieve and maintain the flow of good, healthy, open and effective communication in our world folk
need and should be allowed to exchange thoughts, points of view, opinions, etc. There will always be disagreements / heated arguments, and that's totally natural... happens in our offline worlds as well. The setback is, that once we get online
(onto various social platforms, like YouTube, etc.), it becomes much harder to successfully express oneself clearly, due to the fact that
(in most instances) participants aren't able to see each other while conversing / commenting at that very second. Using emojis and one's vocabulary is
(at times) rather limited and sadly, can only go so far, do so much. I don't let it stop me and I hope it doesn't stop others
(in here or elsewhere online) from posting / commenting on stuff, either.
Thanks for the update, fiddlesticks!

I wouldn't have known otherwise.