Author Topic: Empire Coventry - thanks for help  (Read 477 times)


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Empire Coventry - thanks for help
« on: March 22, 2022, 09:41:00 AM »
At the Coventry gig, my wife fainted (low blood pressure resulting from standing around too still for too long) and took a little while to recover.

I doubt whether they'll see this, but I just wanted to acknowledge, and thank, the security guys and the off-duty paramedic that was in the audience and who were very patient, kind and helpful.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 11:43:59 AM by REC29 »


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Re: Empire Coventry - thanks for help
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2022, 02:01:15 PM »
Oh, very sorry to hear about your wife - I hope she is ok again.

Always good to have kind souls around, would indeed be nice if they got to see this somehow.


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Empire Coventry gig - thanks for help...
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2022, 09:41:55 PM »
At the Coventry gig, my wife fainted (low blood pressure resulting from standing around too still for too long) and took a little while to recover.  I doubt whether they'll see this, but I just wanted to acknowledge, and thank, the security guys and the off-duty paramedic that was in the audience and who were very patient, kind and helpful.  Thanks.

Oh, very sorry to hear about your wife - I hope she is ok again.  Always good to have kind souls around, would indeed be nice if they got to see this somehow.

Like Stephanie, I too hope that your wife is feeling better. :)

REC29, as for your message of thanks and appreciation, I have complete faith that someone reading this thread, right now, knows the paramedic and can hopefully relate your message to him or her.  Or, better yet, direct them to this thread.  There are a lot of FB and twitter users that still use this board for personal messaging, so maybe they can spread the genuine word of thanks on those (or other) social platforms to get your word out to them.  Keep faith and best wishes to you, REC 29 :), and your missis. :)
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