I work in a record shop...
That's so cool! My dream job as a kid was to work in a record shop and get paid by merchandise rather than cash... but it never happened for me. My second was to work at an actual record company or factory, pressing records or CDs, but that never happened either. Went to college for radio and television, but dropped out after a year because I didn't fit the mold / image. I wasn't even able to land a volunteer position at the local university radio station taking out trash, answering phones, etc.. Man, when that happened I just fcukin' gave it all up. Got so incredibly discouraged, depressed. Thought to myself, how the hell can I land a real job in my field of study / interest, if I can't even land a volunteer position at the community radio station. I gave in and quit school altogether, at that point. Took it seriously to mind and heart, really rough, very hard. sad lol, I'm still not over it. That's the way things go, sometimes.
Funny thing, decades later (and for many, many years), I served a man who must've worked for A&M records at my real job. I never did muster up the courage to ask him about it though. I didn't want to come off looking and sounding like a the dumb-ass idiot that I actually am. I'm positive he worked for A&M at some point though... he wore a gold ring with the exact A&M records' emblem / logo on it. Always wondered in what capacity. Very weird, yet so cool and incredibly exciting to me nonetheless....one of my customers loaned it to me. He knows I'm kind of a Jazz freak, and there are a lot of Jazz folks connected to Tom Dowd. I didn't think anything od it, but this past weekend I was looking for something to watch on a lazy Saturday afternoon while my sons napped. It was really enjoyable to the point that I looked him up on wiki to find out more. NMA doesn't get any mention but they are on his wiki page
NMA is mentioned in name only by the podcaster in
this 2hr+ Recording Studio Rockstars podcast interview with Mr. Dowd's daughter Dana. Apparently
Dana Dowd is working on an in-depth memoire about her dad, that's supposedly to be released sometime this year (according to the interview). If you appreciate behind the scenes and tech bits, it's definitely worth a listen. They don't get into the Jazz stuff all too much, she tends to focus on The
Allman Brothers quite a bit because she was physically present for a lot of those sessions. Still, none of it bored me, at all. I really enjoyed it, actually. I hope the Tom Dowd memoire mentions
New Model Army and "
Thunder and
Consolation". Actually, it'd piss me off if it didn't, lol. Fingers crossed there will be a few positive recollections / words about NMA / T&C, at the very least, in Ms. Dowd's book about her dad Tom.
I'm also a Fan of Sam Roberts, but they go back to the late 90s and early 2000s for me while I was around a lot of music industry and radio folks around NYC. I fell in love with that 1st album, saw them a couple of times in small NY bars (same small places I've seen Blue Rodeo play for 100 Canadian Ex-pats.) That album remains in my workout mix to this day, funny, i thought they disappeared until maybe 2013/14 my wife and i fell in love with Quebec City and started spending a bunch of time up there, I quickly realized from record shops, that Sam Roberts never went anywhere and was doing the same thing as Blue Rodeo, remaining huge in Canada while being unknown in the US. great band!!!
We Were Born In A Flame" has to be one of THE top albums by
any Canadian band / artist. I'll pick up any full-length album Sam Roberts Band puts out. "
Chemical City" is fantastic too! Actually, I haven't been let down / disappointed by any Sam Roberts Band albums yet, to date. Even
Martin "YOUTH" Glover of phenomenal band
Killing Joke fame, also produced their "
Fantasy" album. If you love
The Sam Roberts Band, I think you'll like
Matt Mays & El Torpedo as well. It's great to hear that these guys / artists (among others) are appreciated outside Canada / south of the border. They're terrific!
I would
love it if NMA/JS&DW/JS were to someday play a gig in
Quebec City, or have either Sam Roberts or Matt Mays open for them while on tour here in Canada or North America. Now that, would be fcukin' ace, beyond awesome!!
Angrytim, just want to add how cool it is that you're a jazz freak and lover of NMA at the same time. What instrument do you play? I get this strong sense that you do play, to be so seriously into jazz. Not many people grasp jazz. I've found that those who do often possess some bit of musical knowledge or play an instrument themselves. Am I wrong in this assumption / hunch?

Also, in case you missed it angrytim, here's another fantastic
New Model Army documentary done by the great folks at WDR / Rockpalast.

I'm going to assume you caught the
NMA 40th anniversary concert live stream from The Mill in Bradford, when it originally took place October 24th, 2020. If not, it can still be viewed on demand. Just hit the link for further details.

The official NMA online shop sold out of the 40th anniversary concert DVDs quite some time ago. I really wanted a CD version of the entire 40th anniversary live stream gig, but one was never released,

I would've gone for a few of those in a heartbeat, as well.

I still would, if CDs were made. How about rereleasing a deluxe version of the 40th DVD to include 2CDs of the entire performance. I'm certain that they'd sell out too. Oh, powers that be...
please, p-l-e-a-s-e,