I am and we are indeed called DeadHeads... you may know this but if not, they used to set up special audience tapers sections and allowed all their concerts to be recorded by fans so live tapes (as it was then) could be traded, copied for other fans.......... the band only requested that the tapes were not sold/any financial gain etc.... a band that really loved/appreciated their fans.. a great gesture from one of the greatest bands that ever existed (imho) and about a zillion others.

Hi Ghosttrain!

Wow! I didn't know The Grateful Dead not only
allowed tapers, but
encouraged them as well, by
setting up special audience sections at concerts for them too!! Like, how fcukin' awesome is that? That's certainly, overtly kind and generous of them!
I must confess, I've only ever heard two songs from the Grateful Dead. Although I've lived around an older crowd all of my life, for some strange reason, I'd never heard of them 'til the 1980s. They didn't seem to get a lot of radio play on the stations I grew up listening to... OR, maybe they did, and I just didn't know who the songs were by. Please forgive me, I'm too lazy to look it up... but I think one is called, "I Will Get By"? That's what they sing in chorus of the tune at least. That track got a lot of spins here, I do remember that.
And the other song I know that The Grateful Dead sang too, is an old favorite, a folk song penned by fellow Canadian Ms.
Bonnie Dobson called "
Morning Dew". That song has been pretty much covered by everybody. That's totally cool with me! I love a lot of the versions I've heard Bonnie's song, thus far, a
lot of them. Most tend to stick to the bones of the heavy piece, and so do it honour, justice. It took far too many years, but I'm very pleased that Ms. Dobson is finally getting credit and recognition for writing that terrific piece.

I must ask, seeing as you know more about The Grateful Dead than I do, were they a HUGE band first and then they allowed their fans to record shows? Or were The Grateful Dead totally open to tapers from the get-go, start of their career? It'd be interesting to find out the answer to this important question.
Here's a totally lame question Ghosttrain... hope it's alright to ask. Do they make and sell Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the UK? I ask because they dedicated a flavour to The Grateful Dead's very own, Jerry Garcia. I think that's pretty
cool and
sweet (yes, both puns intended, here). It's called... wait for it...
Cherry Garcia! 
Someone who's really great in the kitchen ought to come up with a...
cool, smooth, heavy, thick, rich, whipped and delicious Justin Sullivan-inspired dessert OR ice creammm...

Oo-ooh, Ooh!


YEA-ahh!note to self: satiate appetite + sweet tooth, before typing anything! lol. This post was not intended to disrespect or offend
anyone here, or anywhere, ever.
Apologies to all, if it has.
My bad...