Author Topic: 40th Anniversary 2 nights  (Read 706 times)

Gavin D

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40th Anniversary 2 nights
« on: August 08, 2022, 09:38:54 AM »

Just looking for advice on which night would best suit older fans. There are 3 of us going to the Dublin gig which you have to buy the weekend(2 night) ticket. The problem is the cost of accommodation for two nights, so we are going to see price for a local mini bus company to bring us there and home. This means we can only afford to attended one night.
Really my question is: Night one older NMA and Night two newer NMA.
Any advice much appreciated.


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Re: 40th Anniversary 2 nights
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2022, 11:39:38 AM »
I don't think it will be structured like that. I think both nights will span their entire career just with different songs. That's what they did for the 20th and 30th anniversary shows and I'm expecting something similar. They have been playing a lot of 80s/early 90s songs lately. I assume that is because of the reduced line up but I could be wrong. Shame that you can only do one night. I guess you'll just have to flip a coin.


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Re: 40th Anniversary 2 nights
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2022, 09:30:36 PM »
I concur, two different nights, totally different songs but split evenly, demonstrating the depth of material they had.  I've had the 4 CD's on repeat in the car for over a year (I don't drive much) and can't pick between the nights.