I'm in the "unpopular" camp here, too. I loved everything up until BDAW, which despite plenty of trying I just find.... well, boring. I described it on the forum as being all production and no songwriting, which went down like a French kiss at a family reunion with some members. There were a lot of "Just wait until you hear it live - those songs were intended to be played up close and personal" comments but I had the same reaction to the songs at gigs. BDAW Live was the same, but I did like Between Wine And Blood, and Winter is one of my favourites. From Here didn't do it for me at all, to the point that I didn't even try particularly hard to overcome this.
However, I fully believe that a band must make the records that they want to make, and that it's not their job to make records that I like. One of the things that I like best about NMA is that they do things their way and aren't afraid to step outside what they've done before. One thing is for sure - it wouldn't have lasted 40 years if all they'd done was make The Ghost of Cain twenty times.