Long time no posting... but I have to, today! First of all, despite being absent from this forum, I have been thinking of you guys, and today even more! It's been my secret little fantasy that NMA would play in my favourite metal festival, and it's actually happening, today!! Greetings from Brutal Assault!! The festival has been phenomenal, as usual - so many amazing bands, amazing people, and amazing friends who've all been helping me [I've been walking with crutches for the past ~four months, waiting for a surgery for my knee... despite of it, this is my second festival of the summer and naturally I've been camping because I'm stubborn and love sleeping in a tent and I might just be a bit stupid].
Lineup in BA is always absolutely sick, they have something for everyone (have a look in brutalassault.cz) and just some highlights for me so far have been Hellripper, Skeletal Remains, Misery Index, Hatebreed, Deicide, Carcass, Vomitory, Rotten Sound, Lik, Ufomammut and most of all one of my all-time-favourite bands that I had the chance to see the first time ever last night: Cephalic Carnage! Most amazingly, Cephalic Carnage is gonna play another set tonight AND they'll also play at the official afterparty back in Prague tomorrow - what an absolute treat for me!! I have to admit that it's been slightly weird and tough for me to have to stand at a distance to see the bands instead of rolling in the pit like an idiot with near-zero self-preservation instinct (which, in fact, is the exact reason for my current predicament - cheers, Meshuggah) and just nod approvingly till my neck is destroyed. Anyhow, I'm lucky enough to have one friend here who loves NMA and is celebrating her birthday today too, and we're going to head awkwardly near to the front for the gig and, within the limits of our past-prime carcasses, party like there's no tomorrow! I just can't believe my luck to see NMA here tonight, that'll be the cherry on the top for this festival! The only thing possibly affecting the full gig experience is that they're playing at 23:35, the last night of the festival and honestly, if you're not a sworn absolutist or driving a car the next day, well, yeah... knowing myself and my friends, the forecast is that I'll be pretty much hammered by then

On the other hand, every time I've seen NMA I've been sober and just letting the music intoxicate me, so tonight.... there's first time for everything I guess. Only thing I'm certain of is that today is a good day and I'm going to enjoy the gig to the fullest!
I wish a great day to all of you, and if you happen to check the time around 23:35, play some NMA and have a fleeting thought for one stupid little tarsier who's having the time of her life

If you got this far, please share your festival stories, anything festival related here! And of course, if you're in Brutal Assault, find me, say hi and let's have a beer!!
[jc, it was great to see you in Berlin and nice to hear you'd been missing me here - sorry for the long silence]