Dont think ive replied on this. First introduced to the music in 89 by a co worker playing Vengeance non stop. Cant say I was really into them, but bought T and C, Impurtity and LOHC. Kinda drifted away for a few years but delved back at some time in the 90's and bought album after album.
First live experience was awful.....but not NMA!!! I only went to gigs once in a blue moon and about 8/9 years ago, I read they were playing the O2( old Dome nightclub) in Brum. Great. So off I went with the ex. Got to the venue in we go. The warm up band were shite.....except it wasnt a warm up band. The O2 has several venues in one building and unbeknowingly, we'd been granted entry to a Christian rock band. Once the reality dawned, the bottom dropped out of my world. The lowest point in an impending divorce with the ex.
Anyhoo, the venue offered an apology and tickets to see NMA elsewhere. Went to Leamington Spa a short time later, fantastic gig and I was hooked. Got a lift back from a couple from Stourbridge, who we only met there as Id missed the last train.
Met the current missus in Wisbech the following day. Havent looked back since and met some great people at gigs Ive been to, MR, Shush, JC, Pol and Ruckedout and others I dont know. Its been a blast but gutted I didnt do it earlier!