A bit later than it should have been really, as by that time I'd already long discovered and got into all the other bands I love(d), but I put it down to the fact at the time I was living in the wrong country at the time and NMA were really unknown there (even in the alternative scene).
Anyway it was 1990 and among the songs the DJ at the local goth/alternative club played pretty much every week there was this one I particularly liked, that went "Get me ouuut!!". After hearing (and dancing to it) a few times I asked the DJ who they were - this band called New Model Army apparently, who I had surprisingly never heard of (I liked to think of myself as quite knowledgeable in the field of alternative music). A friend of mine steps in and goes something like "oh yeah, I know them - got a couple of albums of theirs, I'll make you a tape). He did ad the two albums turned out to be Thunder and Consolation and Impurity, and in a very short time that tape became one of those I took with me everywhere.
About a year later I was in London and they were playing Brixton; I went to the gig and the rest, as they say, is history.