Only ever been the once, but I couldn’t quite figure out the Whiskey - I thought it would be a smaller place like the 100 Club or like I imagined CBGBs would have been, but it seemed much bigger and nothing like that. I honestly can’t remember who was playing, I think it was indie night and through the haze of time it was someone like Curve, or the Sundays, or a sub-Gogos type band (it was around April 97). Don’t get me wrong, the bands were good, it was a good night, but as an event it didn’t really move me much... That said, I went because I was in LA and wanted to see what the clubs were like and not necessarily to see any particular band .... and also I had travelled 5,000 miles and managed to miss the UK Subs by 2 days – Doh!!!
Discharge – normally I like a bit more of a tune, but you know, whatever your mindset you have got to respect them for putting it out there and being the first to do that thrash stuff way back when no-one much else was - Decontrol, They Declare It, the one note bass solo in the middle of Aint No Feeble B’stard.... good stuff !