OK, not my fave NMA memory but a story I like to tell... think I've told it before so, as Morrissey once said, 'stop me if you've heard this one before...'
November 2011, Leeds Academy, me and my mate Dan (who's as obsessed with NMA as I am) were going to see Carter USM and, full of beer and laughs, we were having a last smoke a few yards from the entrance... when Dan said something like 'hmmm, lkkk ovvrrr therrr...'
Things were a bit blurry by this point, so I leaned in a bit closer, wondering if he was having a stroke or something (well, he's a bit older than me...

By this point he's jerking his neck over to the left rather harshly, still mumbling, so I look over, and there is a certain Mr Sullivan, not three feet from us...
Now I've met Mr Sullivan a few times, but always at gigs... it's so odd to meet a hero of yours in completely random circumstances. Had a couple of brief chats before. In this instance, though, I left him alone. My attitude is that if you get the chance to talk with anyone from NMA, that's fine, but ONLY if you're at a gig or something immediately afterwards. If you run into them on their own time... let the man have his private life.
Still... a memory that always puts a smile on my face.