for me, not straight away
as i said on another thread, my first intro was on the news article about clogs. A few of mates were getting into No Rest lp, but it wasn't really hitting me at the time. Then i really got into it more when i used to go to blaises in Middlesbrough, from around 87 ish, regularly played vengeance, 51st state, poison street, smalltown england and moving through the years to the likes of whitecoats, G&G, GMO, purity. and the rest as they say is history........
I agree with stony about the best 3 for me being Ghost, Thunder & Impurity, really like high and no rest, but not a particular fan of carnival - some really good songs on there but it doesn't grip me like the others do
I'm really lucky as my missus is also well into NMA and has probably seen them more times than me