Author Topic: Killing Joke.  (Read 6341 times)


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2012, 11:03:59 PM »
I'm screaming in the wind, screaming in the rain...


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2012, 07:15:39 PM »
Doing Manchester.

Great to see original line up again, but do miss Raven's presence on stage.


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2012, 07:54:06 PM »
Very much looking forward to the new album. My favourite band.

Though I had to chuckle when I read the diatribe on their website that said "The album’s themes are political, anti-capitalist"

And then further down their is an "exclusive" track for itunes only. Yes for that small cottage industry Apple.

And on their facebook page: "But we’ve also put together a list of exclusive items, some of which have never previously been available. We’re giving you the chance to have your copy of the album signed, to get a limited edition screenprint or an album t-shirt, or a Warwick guitar customised by Geordie. The choice is yours. But be aware – some of these items are limited, and when they’re gone – they’re gone."

Erm...right. For anti capitalists, they sure do a good impression of DFS!  :D
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 07:57:58 PM by ldopas »


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2012, 03:21:21 PM »
Myself I find that far less hypocritical than all those bankers being bailed out by nationalisation or other public money. Anyway this will have to be my final post. I have just realised that the electricity used to power my computer is being produced by capitalists. In the absence of any Cuban owned retailers I'm going to have to live in a mud hut and burn candles until the situation is rectified...

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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2012, 03:34:30 PM »
Myself I find that far less hypocritical than all those bankers being bailed out by nationalisation or other public money. Anyway this will have to be my final post. I have just realised that the electricity used to power my computer is being produced by capitalists. In the absence of any Cuban owned retailers I'm going to have to live in a mud hut and burn candles until the situation is rectified...

But if you are "anti-capitalist", is for example producing overpriced "limited editions" or extra product available ONLY via a channel that would dictate us buying or paying to sign up to a major corporation a good example of "anti-capital". I think not. Produce the product, sell it as produced. Clean and clear. Extend that and you start to sound a tad hypocritical. (I note the NMA dont sell multiples of different types of the same product, and good for them!)

You know full well my other point Guy! That is Im fed up with some of the public, politicians on the "get quick votes" talking about how we've (and "we is an interesting one bacause it is all of us private and public), bailed out "business" when they mean banks. Lets not forget that we businesses have suffered by the people responsible for basically moving money (our money) around to make more money.

Whilst I have no major truck with the HSBC as they have to be fair loaned me what I need over the years to expand and been supportive, I know many friends in business who have perfectly viable propositions and been blanked


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2012, 04:42:38 PM »


As Jaz once said the joke is on us all and it will eventually kill us all (or something very similar ???) I also love Killing Joke but to function as a band and individuals they need the cash......But I too like to see the ideals (anti-capatalist or otherwise) being visible in how a band operates - so I agree with you on the irony of their latest KJ product ventures! However I guess we don't live in that utopia we'd all like.....Lets hope the new album lives up to the hype!

P.S Reminds me of the old EMI/NMA/Conflict debate.....but lets not revisit that one!



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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2012, 06:50:16 PM »
Myself I find that far less hypocritical than all those bankers being bailed out by nationalisation or other public money. Anyway this will have to be my final post. I have just realised that the electricity used to power my computer is being produced by capitalists. In the absence of any Cuban owned retailers I'm going to have to live in a mud hut and burn candles until the situation is rectified...

I love the sarcasm in this........  ;D sorry I can't help but laugh! genius......
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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2012, 07:32:47 PM »
Myself I find that far less hypocritical than all those bankers being bailed out by nationalisation or other public money. Anyway this will have to be my final post. I have just realised that the electricity used to power my computer is being produced by capitalists. In the absence of any Cuban owned retailers I'm going to have to live in a mud hut and burn candles until the situation is rectified...

I love the sarcasm in this........  ;D sorry I can't help but laugh! genius......

Its not new though, Have I Got News For You did it much better when Louise Bagshaw talked about the Occupy protestors using Starbucks and they took the piss out of her in the same way.

While it is sarcastic, it is also silly and not the point.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 07:37:08 PM by ldopas »


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2012, 07:36:22 PM »


As Jaz once said the joke is on us all and it will eventually kill us all (or something very similar ???) I also love Killing Joke but to function as a band and individuals they need the cash......But I too like to see the ideals (anti-capatalist or otherwise) being visible in how a band operates - so I agree with you on the irony of their latest KJ product ventures! However I guess we don't live in that utopia we'd all like.....Lets hope the new album lives up to the hype!

P.S Reminds me of the old EMI/NMA/Conflict debate.....but lets not revisit that one!


Yepp completely take your point!

However they do need to make money, but there is making it and pissing about with product to make more from the original by adding tiny bits of value. That was my point really F, Im in business and that is what we do, but I AM a capitalist and proud of it!  8)

However Im with you my friend KJ are unique and brilliant and I very much look forward to their new album. Which I will buy, and probably will have no moral dillemma in obtaining the extra track by other means!  :D


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2012, 11:14:40 AM »
Anyone know what this is about?? I just spotted it on KJs website. I've been watching them for over 20 years and have only once seen any nazis at a gig. It was in Portsmouth about 12 years ago and the 3 drunk seigheiling morons in question got beaten to shit by several like minded individuals in the audience.

February 8, 2012

Killing Joke have zero tolerance to any way of life that causes harm to others. We honestly cannot believe that in the year 2012 ANYONE would have an issue with people’s sexuality, race or disability.

Killing Joke have always been an instrument designed to poke fun at authority, greed, and stupidity, not to strip people (of any creed or kind) of their dignity.

Without stooping to the level of ‘Some our best friends are gay’ etc, it really shouldn’t come as much surprise to anyone that scrapes below the surface, that this band was born out of countercultural movements (good and bad) and from the kind of clubs where ANY degree of misguided prejudice would have been swiftly dealt with.

The quote that people are getting in a twist about (which will be given no dignity here) was printed uncredited in Zig Zag magazine 27 years ago and even at the time the band denied saying it, following their horror at their recent visit to the death camps that year.

The only group of people that were singled out by the band were the hypocrites of organised religion, made the target of satire on the cover of the singles album ‘Laugh I Nearly Bought One’ which features on the front Catholic dignitaries being Nazi Saluted. This was a comment,again, of the hypocrisy of organised religion.

In summary … if anyone out there thinks that we as a band are homophobic, racist, facist or anything of the sort and feel this is a positive ,the message is ,stay away from us.

Is that clear now?

Killing Joke
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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2012, 12:54:03 PM »
dunno, but there was a bit of accustaion shit ove imagery and wearing uniforms on stage etc etc....... There's always some dodge pot out t stir up a hornets nest from a dust pile mate.......
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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2012, 12:45:39 AM »
Apparently It was in response to Peter Tatchell accusing Killing Joke of being homophobic, and trying to get their Roundhouse gig cancelled.
Something to do with an interview from the early 80's where Jaz mentions 'faggots'. Might have been on channel 4's 'Whatever you want'.



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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2012, 10:41:04 AM »
If anyone's interested Killing Joke were pretty damn good last night.  It was total noise last night and a mix of being tired from work and a couple of pints seemed to agree with me and the sound washed over me.  I'm assuming they played some material of their new soon to be released CD as some of the songs were unfamiliar  but even so no tracks disappointed and were mixed with a few greatest hits and stuff form Absolute Dissent.  It's only the second time I've seen them in their 30 odd year history, the first time last year, but I will make a point of seeing them when they come around again.  They seemed to have kept a loyal fan base looking at the age of the audience, not dissimilar from a NMA crowd really probably just a few more of them.   


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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 11:53:32 AM »

I agree - I went to the Roundhouse gig on Thurs night, one of the best times I've seen them. Check out the new single its top........



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Re: Killing Joke.
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2012, 12:21:55 PM »
I was at the Roundhouse too - fairly good gig but not as good as the last time I'd seen them (Hammersmith, 2 years ago) in my opinion. This was probably due to a) the sound bit rather shite (at least where I was standing) and b) the fact that they played quite a few new songs, which nobody really knew yet cos the album's not out.

Had a good time though, especially the second half of the set when the older songs came in, looking forward to the new album.