Heart of Lothian- Mariillion.....takes me back to being 16. I hadn't realised that Steve Hogarth had fronted them for 30 years. And yet for me Fish will always be the singer. Sorry MR, it's one of them.
No problem, dude. I'm very active on the official Marillion Forum but I'll never admit to them that I prefer Fish over Hogarth... 
And HOL is one of my favourite Marillion tunes ever... but let's now revel in a great live version of 'Script For A Jesters Tear'...
Love that version MR. Marillion without Fish is just not Marillion as far as I'm concerned. Neither of them are as good without the other. I love all the Fish-era Marillion albums. Fugazi is probably my favourite. Never saw them live unfortunately.
Ha! I got into Marillion during the tail end of the 'Clutching at Straws' (still my fave Marillion album) era... really loved what I heard... and Fish left the band about a week later. 
I do like an awful lot of the Steve Hogarth era, though... it's very different to the Fish era but there's some fine musicianship on offer (and Mr Hogarth is a fine singer). If you're interested, or unfamiliar with the H era stuff, give 'Brave' a go. It's pretty mellow for the main part but there are some terrific songs here and it's a proper concept album with a story to tell. Let me know how you got on with it!
In fact, posting this comment has made me stick on 'Brave' again!
I will give it a listen. thanks for the recommendation MR. I got into Marillion early, around 'Script' because my best mate's older brother was into them. Never really kept up with much of Fish's output either. Do you follow his music?
I do... the fact that I've seen Fish (solo) several more times than Marillion says a lot. His solo output can be variable and his multiple health problems over the years mean that, by his own admission, his voice and body are 'fucked' these days... but the stuff he's done in recent years has been somewhat of a return to form.
To save boring anyone else, I'll PM you later (or possibly tomorrow,it's been a long day!), if anyone else is interested in what I have to say about Fish, just say so and I'll put the same message here.