On a bit of a nostalgia trip the last couple of days.........All About Eve,have played the studio albums plus the two live ones i have,and am now watching/listening to some great footage (whole shows) on Youtube.....love this band..
Fantastic band, lover all their stuff, shame most people only remember from that clip on a UK pop show when they were miming and, somehow, the link didn't get through to them and they were left looking like dummies when the audience could hear it.,..

For me, today... read a lovely article in The Guardian, link below...
https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/jun/20/nirvanas-20-greatest-songs-ranked... which inspired me to re-investigate Nirvana. Damn, it's been 30 years since 'Bleach'?

Haven't listening to them in many years, probably due to over-familiarity, but damn,
so many great tunes, some of which I'd pretty much forgotten. Just done 'Nevermind', think I'll do 'Bleach' next.
It's nice to reacquaint yourself with a brilliant band after so many years...