Author Topic: Question for Guitarists  (Read 1179 times)


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Question for Guitarists
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:31:01 AM »
   I'm having a bit of trouble with my Gibson SG Special. As soon as I touch the neck of the guitar near the headstock, it's going out of tune. The neck seems firmly attached to the body, there is no noticeable movement at the join, it seems that the neck itself is bending ever so slightly, making the notes flat. Woud a truss rod adjustment help solve this, or are there any other possible causes anyone can think of? Or will I just have to accept it's knackered, and console myself with the fact that my Les Paul is still awesome?  :)

Edit : I've checked the intonation and it's fine. The guitar sounds in tune on my rare excursions to the dusty end, problem is only noticeable near the headstock.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 10:39:54 AM by lfran »
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Re: Question for Guitarists
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 12:45:10 PM »
Is there any tiny cracks in the surface of the necks laquer at the head stock/neck joint? It may have a flaw in the join or the start of a break?
Also is is goin' sharp out of tune? If so try either some graphite (a B pencil is an easy n cheap source) or some silicone spray on the TOP NUT might help if the strings are biting in the nut. Drop me a pm and I'll scan n send some pics if yer still stuck. My SG has some SPERZEL Locking tuners on, that came with her. I assume it had similar issues, and has had two or three breaks at the head stock........ The last one on front of a certain Mr Morrow.......... Before I'd even got her out of the bloody case,,,,,,,,,, =( Still she's repaired n raring to rip as ever again........
Les Paul's and SG's have a weak spot at the join there. Well documented and relatively easy repair if n when it happens......
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Re: Question for Guitarists
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2012, 01:16:59 PM »
I'll have to wait 'til i nip down to the pub and get me guitar back, but I haven't noticed any cracks in the lacquer, and she certainly hasn't had any breaks, Stoney. I would be quite happy to fit different tuners if it would help, not worried about that " all original hardware " stuff :-)

When I get the guitar I'll send you some pictures for your perusal, and cheers for the link.
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Re: Question for Guitarists
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2012, 06:47:58 PM »
No bother mate. It might be worth checkin' the fret board too, not sure how old yours is, but I've seen fret boards come lose and cause issues. Most likely is the top nut problem tho'.
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Re: Question for Guitarists
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2012, 09:13:28 PM »
Probably right. Just invested in a set of graph tech saddles for the Les Paul, may just go for saddles and nut for the SG. If that doesn't help, a mate has offered me a set of Sperzels he has lying around, although I may be reluctant to start drilling into the headstock if that becomes necessary. The guitar is only about 8 years old, but on examination there appear to be no issues with the fretboard or with cracks in the neck, thankfully. An online check reveals that this can be a problem with the SG, with most proposed solutions being along the lines you've suggested. So cheers again, mate :-)
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Re: Question for Guitarists
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2012, 10:01:35 PM »
No botha, and if yer mate is serious about the Sperzels and they're either Black or Gold coloured I might know a man who wants em, gimme a shout. I put Graphite saddles on my Les Paul Studio deluxe (gold hardware n about 70 quid is the difference!lol), years ago........ It sorted my string breakage right out.
Another trick is putting the tail piece in backwards, then revrese threading the the strings into "up and over" style...... It drops the string tension down a little bit at the bridge, coz the angles are lessened. Or Raise the tail slightly for a less pronounced change. A few Les Paul players do that....... Having the tail hard against the body is what you'd expect to do, but it's not always the right position...... The lesser tension can ease nipping at the top not.
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