Author Topic: Security Double standards  (Read 1694 times)


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Security Double standards
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:09:30 PM »
Couldn't help noticing security double standards at last nights Stranglers gig in Liverpool.My mate (big lad)was asked by a bloke behind him if he'd lift up his 12 year old son on his shoulders so he could get a birds eye view.The look on the lads face was pure joy until some security guard told my mate to put him down.Ten minutes later guard did bugger all when a dickhead threw a pint at JJ Burnel.This happened 3 times before JJ had words with him.Thought he was gonna kill him but he restrained himself.Did they eject tosser from gig?Not a bit of it.
Can't help imagining what would've happened to him at an Army gig,not to mention the reaction to pyramids etc >:(
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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 05:28:44 PM »
They do seem to be getting their knickers in a twist over this far more these days - happens a lot at army gigs but fortunately we all just ignore them -  bit hard to argue with so many!   ;D  Although sometimes Justin has to step in with his "trained stuntmen" line...

On the other hand I know a lot of SIA guys, and they often are just doing what is expected from them by the venue, so ultimately although they come across as killjoys they are only doing what they are told, and what is also a low-paid shitty job often.  It's really the venues that are being the bore here more often than not.


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 09:59:12 PM »
Agreed on both counts........ I was SIA registered fer a few years, not worth the hasle to be honest.....
It'd have been more productive to let JJ lose. The fella has a fair bit of skill in the unarmed combat stakes. Nt to mention a large dose of flair with a Fender P Bass! he was livid when Hugh left, there was a bit of a ruckus at 'Ali Pali....... Glad I was in the standard guest area n not the dressing room.....
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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 10:10:18 AM »
Agreed on both counts........ I was SIA registered fer a few years, not worth the hasle to be honest.....
It'd have been more productive to let JJ lose. The fella has a fair bit of skill in the unarmed combat stakes. Nt to mention a large dose of flair with a Fender P Bass! he was livid when Hugh left, there was a bit of a ruckus at 'Ali Pali....... Glad I was in the standard guest area n not the dressing room.....

But then the **** who threw the beer would have shouted assault!!!!!
Never mind the disruption to the gig and the possible risk of electrocution to the band.

Wasnt at Liverpool this year but have seen the Youtube clip and JJ showed remarkable restraint in the circumstances.....


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 06:49:04 PM »
Having just watched  the clip
I cannot believe the fool responsible didn't get a kicking.
I have also worked as security (despite being as tall as some of Snow Whites friends)
and have been appalled at some of the boys and girls who wear an SIA badge some of whom would struggle to manage a kids birthday party.


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2012, 07:22:00 PM »
There's no excuse for that sort of crap........ I won't tolerate being spat at or drinks lobed at me, words mean bugger all.......
I saw Mike Ness from social dostortion kick off royaly in Leeds years ago after repeatedly warning some plank to pack in spitting at him....... I think the lasd lost a couple of teeth and all his pride after getting whupped in fine n quick order for his final gob....... no sympathy at all from anyone in the crowd it has to be said.
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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2012, 07:36:46 PM »
What an asshat! Great restraint from JJ.

Maybe this explains why he was in such a shitty mood when someone forgot to turn the power on at the start of the Nottingham gig the following evening and all we could hear for the first half of Burning Up Time was some acoustic bass. The man off stage got a right gobfull!  ;D
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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2012, 06:48:19 AM »
JJ did show remarkable restraint, but its not surprising in this day and age, when the guy who threw the beer, could have quite easily have gone to the police had JJ acted in any other way, so full marks to JJ for dealing with the situation even more so as the incident was caught on film also.

The guy in question was ejected from the gig by 'Big Al' who does the bands security and was left in no doubt that he was infact a very lucky chap to just having been ejected. When I spoke to 'Al' in Nottingham about it, I got the impression that the the beer throwing idiot won't be back in too much of a hurry!!!


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2012, 09:19:07 AM »
Not quite the same sort of incident but it reminds me of something funny that happened at a recent (last year I think) Stranglers gig in Preston.

Late in the gig during No More Heroes, a bloke jumps on stage, "dances" about for a bit and is promptly thrown out of the side door of the venue.  Baz Warne instantly changes the next line of the song to "whatever happened to, that little geezer, he got his arse slapped*, and now he's outside."

* said geezer didn't really get slapped as far as I know, he was just first to the bar back over at the pub and looked happy enough (and well pissed) post gig!



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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2012, 01:26:58 PM »
JJ did show remarkable restraint, but its not surprising in this day and age, when the guy who threw the beer, could have quite easily have gone to the police had JJ acted in any other way, so full marks to JJ for dealing with the situation even more so as the incident was caught on film also.

The guy in question was ejected from the gig by 'Big Al' who does the bands security and was left in no doubt that he was infact a very lucky chap to just having been ejected. When I spoke to 'Al' in Nottingham about it, I got the impression that the the beer throwing idiot won't be back in too much of a hurry!!!
Glad the bloke was eventually kicked out.Roll on Brum on saturday :)
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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2012, 09:00:36 AM »
I just read this and Haveing worked in Music Venues for the Last 30 years ,I seen good and Bad Security.
And been on both sides of the Pit as Fan and Working with Bands,ect.
There are a lot of people who how have S.I.A badges and to be Honest should not be doing gigs and get a power Trip and Dont UnderStand for I.E moss Pit ect.
And this why I let my S.i. A  Badge Run out.Like Stoney .  Any way How was the Stranglers Gigs and am sure any one who knows JJ whold not want Upset him to Much i hes a blackbelt in KungFu :)


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2012, 09:33:40 AM »
Hell of a lot of beer being thrown last night at the Roundhouse 99% of which never reached the stage but one empty glass did hit JJ but he just shrugged it off! The idiots are still out there!


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2012, 09:50:50 AM »
Sounds like fun at Roundhouse ,ecept for the Glass been thrown on stage .Security must have been a sleep  :( But Glad gig was good  Strangler  Take it easy  8)


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Re: Security Double standards
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2012, 11:10:03 AM »
JJ is not to be triffled with, very handy and quick aswell fer a bloke pushing 60, still a serious handful.
I've taken SIA numbers and reported bad security before. The pair of knobs looked mortified when I (lied) and said I was an inspector/trainer and informed them (correctly) that they were duty bound to write down the badge numbers for me!  ;D No idea what came of it officially, but I haven't seen either one in Durham since! :)
I'm off to Killing Joke in Manchester tonight, Lets hope there's no beer wasting there....... 8)
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