Hey up Barty Ya right about Summer 91 gig it was Nma +Killing joke+Mission Was cool gig what i remeber of it, And Last time i saw Sister was at Nec in 92 we were Working with Sunshot who were Supporting so Got an AAA pass :)And got to meet the Band ect But am Not a fan of Arena Gigs,Like the Smaller Gigs me Shelf.But am Sure the Gigs Will be ACE .
I think that was the Sisters gig I was at too, with Murder Inc on the bill as well? As I say, a good night were it not for the night trains back to Euston being replaced by buses (which failed to turn up).... strange what you remember sometimes isn't it...?
That was the one! I defo rememer Murder Inc supporting - they had 2 drummers as I recall!