For those who think the stadium gigs by The Cult/Mish/Joke are a joke...
You can't get much smaller than this !! those tix super quick and I'll see you there !
Moles presents:
Blood Brothers
Blood Brothers are one of those bands that make you feel as if you’ve seen them before. It’s not that they don’t have their own unique identity as they most assuredly do but they have something about them that is as familiar as your own face in the mirror and as comfortable as your favourite pair of old shoes! Their songs, at the first time of hearing, have that classic quality that all great songs have of ‘where have I heard this before?’
A four piece rock band hailing from the four corners of the globe, the ‘Brothers’, who have previously played gigs before under the guise of of ’3 Anteaters & A Helmet Head’ amongst others, will be in Bath at the Moles Club on Sunday 20th May for a one-off exclusive show before they jet off to the big time. Catch them in a small venue before they do and be one of those, in years to come, that can say ‘I was there when…..’
(Doesn't take a genius to work out who this band actually is...I worked it out !!)