Really? I don't get that. I think TIAGD is a good follow-on from High but BDAW is probably the biggest change in their sound ever. The drumming on BDAW is really different, there are no up-tempo songs and not much in the way of big guitars. I really like BDAW but I don't hear much in common with High (which I also like immensely).
I think High is one of NMA's best, especially after Eight and Carnival, both of which feel a bit like NMA-by-numbers to me. That said, I have only recently come around to that point-of-view. When it was released I really didn't get into it. I think that is partly because the opening track, Wired, is not one of NMA's stronger fast rockers and I'd come to expect every NMA album to kick off with something massive. These days, though, High is probably the album I listen to most regularly, along with TIAGD. I think that' is partly because I ignored them for so long so they still feel fresh.