Was going to be, what is your favourite NMA album, but I am sure many will not have one favourite, or wouldn't want to pick just one. So, instead, the scenario is, the flames are coming through the door, all other people and animals are safe outside, you have the dog under one arm, a kid under the other, and two finger tips free to pull out one CD before you run out. Which one do you save, and why?
My most favourite albums are every single release from "
Carnival" upward including both of Mr.
Sullivan's solo albums "
Navigating By The Stars" and "
Surrounded". Due to the fact that I wouldn't be able to save all of the albums, I'd do something most folk wouldn't understand. I'd sacrifice them, in the hope of saving something else of even greater personal meaning to me... a 4"x6" colour photo I took at a European gig, back in 2007.
Why sacrifice the albums for a picture, you ask? Sounds silly, eh? Well, it isn't. See, the albums are still presently available. Whereas, I wouldn't be able to replace the sacred photo
ever again, if it burned in the fire.
'One by one', I'd start the album collection over again. Actually, in doing so, it would benefit / help NMA/JS too! How you ask? Well, because I'd avoid buying second-hand, and instead would repurchase everything directly from the band's official online shop or at a gig in person.

Very difficult thread. Even though I couldn't answer the question how one was hoping, I appreciate it just the same.