Author Topic: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?  (Read 3473 times)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2016, 03:56:02 PM »
Ah, perfect reasoning  :)

It is a belter and does hang together nicely. Somehow it seems to not get mentioned much which is why I wondered "why?"  :D

Don't think I can answer the thread question. Probably depends what sort of mood i'm in when the fire/desert island stranding occurs! With a gun to my head though I would have to plump for Today Is A Good Day. And to pre-empt your next question : because of the title track.
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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2016, 04:48:59 PM »
Well, it is uncharacteristic of me to be the optimist, but I would like to hope that this time next year my answer would be different again -- because the best ever NMA album of all is being composed right now ?


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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2016, 06:26:42 PM »
Out of the latter cds I would pick high also, just feel its the strongest overall , it maybe doesn't have a tiagd full on rocker but the sum of its parts make it a belter ( I'm sounding like a weegie lol) if I can cheat I would go for love of hopeless causes and raw melody men both for kinda linked personal reasons
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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2016, 07:52:09 PM »
If you saw how much work my flat needs nowadays, you'd forgive me for letting the bloody place burn down with everything in it so I could claim on the insurance and buy everything all over again from The Shop....

... but seeing as it's not available from The Shop nowadays, I guess it would be 'B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks'...


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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2016, 10:29:13 PM »
, I guess it would be 'B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks'...

That was the first NMA album I ever bought....

Initially I said that the 30th anniversary boxed set would be my fire rescue choice, but maybe it would be B-sides and Abandoned Tracks...  Or perhaps High.... Or Thunder and Consolation...  Or....


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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2016, 10:42:57 PM »
I wouldn't save a single thing!
My life is much more valuable than a few CDs!
And it's all backed up on iTunes anyway!


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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2016, 07:54:24 AM »
i wouldnt take any extra risk for a cd: theyre all easily replaceable and available.
vinyl's a bit different, so it woiuld have been my brave new world 12" with free live 2-track 12" as it was the first NMA record  i bought and now quite hard to get...except my ex stole it (as predicted) between kicking me out and returning my things...and my purity gatefold 10".... and my bittersweet 12". >:(
so for sheer rarities sake it would be my "love is sweet romance" 7" picture-sleeve which i WILL  get Joolz to sign next time shes out and about.
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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2016, 10:13:07 AM »
Guess I would let the house burn down, collect the insurance money and buy them all new on CD and vinyl.  First one on the wish list : Thunder and Consolidation. ;)
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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2016, 08:20:44 AM »
My laptop which holds my cloud with all of my music. I love NMA music obviously and the emotions it generates mean a lot more to me then material possessions. Everything is digital these days. I of course buy CDs to support the bands that i like but they all go into iCloud.
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Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2021, 08:16:55 PM »
Last couple of months I have been having a bit of revival of High and playing it often. To me it is a very good quality and consistent album. When listening to some of the other NMA albums there maybe a song or two I will skip, or a song I know is on the way that I will start to look forward to, but not with High. I think all the tracks are a consistent quality from start to finish.

I agree, the whole HIGH album is brillant, one of NMA's best albums.
Others NMA's albums i would rescue from the flames would be THE GHOST OF CAIN and of course THUNDER AND CONSOLATION, again these two albums are wonderful from their opening song to the ending track! Not a bad track on these three albums. I would also rescue Justin's NAVIGATING BY THE STARS...i would say that NBTS and THUNDER AND CONSOLATION are desert island albums for me.


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Which NMA album are you going to rescue ?
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2022, 04:38:46 AM »
Was going to be, what is your favourite NMA album, but I am sure many will not have one favourite, or wouldn't want to pick just one.  So, instead, the scenario is, the flames are coming through the door, all other people and animals are safe outside, you have the dog under one arm, a kid under the other, and two finger tips free to pull out one CD before you run out.  Which one do you save, and why?

My most favourite albums are every single release from  "Carnival"  upward including both of Mr. Sullivan's solo albums "Navigating By The Stars"  and  "Surrounded".  Due to the fact that I wouldn't be able to save all of the albums, I'd do something most folk wouldn't understand.  I'd sacrifice them, in the hope of saving something else of even greater personal meaning to me... a 4"x6" colour photo I took at a European gig, back in 2007.

Why sacrifice the albums for a picture, you ask?  Sounds silly, eh?  Well, it isn't.  See, the albums are still presently available. Whereas, I wouldn't be able to replace the sacred photo ever again, if it burned in the fire.  'One by one', I'd start the album collection over again.  Actually, in doing so, it would benefit / help NMA/JS too!  How you ask?  Well, because I'd avoid buying second-hand, and instead would repurchase everything directly from the band's official online shop or at a gig in person. :)

Very difficult thread.  Even though I couldn't answer the question how one was hoping, I appreciate it just the same. :)
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