Hello all
After years of following this board I’ve finally put ‘pen to paper’. I’ve not started a thread before as I’ve struggled to think of anything to write as interesting as those of you who do so regularly. However, a ‘find’ today got me giddy with excitement such that I really wanted to talk about it to those who may remember or recognise.
Browsing through a second hand bookshop I came across a box of old copies of Q magazine and instantly sought to find an NMA article I once owned that had a pretty significant effect on me – it was from May 1989 and focussed on the Following as much as the band themselves.
Back then it blew me away and cemented my fledgling love of New Model Army. Living in a small town in North Wales it opened a door into a world of camaraderie, commitment, travel and romance let alone clogs, pony tails, and flippin’ fab music!
Unfortunately my original copy of the article disappeared as things often do over time. However my love for New Model Army has remained as strong as those love-struck teenage days and I’ve often wished I could find the article that helped light that flame.
So to those who were part of the Following back then and to those who keep the faith still, a big thank you and thumbs up! I wish you good luck in all that you do and look forward to being with you at the Roadmenders in May