Author Topic: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?  (Read 12899 times)


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #105 on: March 08, 2014, 03:40:22 PM »
own recipe shredded pork steak wraps with spring onion and spicy rocket

oh yeah
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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #106 on: March 20, 2014, 07:02:13 PM »
People paypaling a few quid to LCGs charity fund raiser page  :D


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #107 on: March 20, 2014, 10:29:24 PM »
cans of devils bit and birthday wishes from friends through types of media

you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #108 on: April 04, 2014, 10:31:24 PM »
cans of devils bit and birthday wishes from friends through types of media

Do you live off that stuff Heno ? Not heard of it over hear. Do they make a decent Cider on the Emerald Isle ?


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #109 on: April 04, 2014, 10:46:24 PM »
yeah. it about all i drink these days. i like it.

i can't handle guinness. or ale so much although i do like the odd pint of directors and a pack of pork scratchins.
we are very poor in terms of cider. not like england or north west france. same as craft beer. we struggle. guinness is about it. and its such a huge brand and so massively associated with a national identity. well, how can you stop it even if its piss.

arthur guinness was a prick

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you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #110 on: April 04, 2014, 10:52:27 PM »
What about Magners ? Is that popular over there, or is it mainly exported to here?


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #111 on: April 04, 2014, 10:55:39 PM »
magnets in the uk is bulmers here. and its huge. i used to drink it a lot. a lot of us did. but its not good grog. in the uk its called magners since the nukekybrownale company had the bulmers trademark and would give it to them. i thinks it more or less the same brew though.

i'm more  can of scrumpy jack or devils bit drinker. real cider. no apples
you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #112 on: April 04, 2014, 11:01:50 PM »
Oh, OK.

if you read the start of this topic, we talked a fair bit about cider, and why we import Irish Cider when we make so much of it over here.

I think its all down to English drinking culture, and in that, anything Irish involving drink seems to get the thumbs up. Not saying that's a bad thing, but it just re-enforces stereo types about the Irish we may tend to have here.

Cider wise, my fave is Aspalls cider from Norfolk, which in itself is a break from West Country cider.

Ah well, it all does the same job  :D :D


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #113 on: April 04, 2014, 11:04:30 PM »

not dissimilar to the the american infatuation with everything jamesons. sad really when you consider how many brilliantly crafted whiskeys they produce

anyway, cheers
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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #114 on: April 04, 2014, 11:05:28 PM »
Bottoms up  ;)

Wessexy Witch

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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #115 on: April 07, 2014, 12:19:35 PM »
Crème eggs.

Blummin 'eck do I get a mega sugar rush off them or what !

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #116 on: April 07, 2014, 12:47:32 PM »
not dissimilar to the the american infatuation with everything jamesons. sad really when you consider how many brilliantly crafted whiskeys they produce

Well, we here think The One & Only preferred choice is Scottish or Irish. ;) Islay or highland single malt. Some good labels in Japan as well though they're considered rather as a rarity.

Btw, is there any local brewery coming from Bradford? I'd like to taste an authentic brew or cider from there if there is some.
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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #117 on: April 07, 2014, 04:28:43 PM »

What beers do you lot have up there  ?  any famous Finnish brewer, or do you mainly import the stuff ?


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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #118 on: April 07, 2014, 06:05:54 PM »
Oh yes there are. Sinebrychof and Olvi are the biggest brewerys here. Products like Karhu, Koff & Lapin Kulta for some to mention. They are the oldest and common here. Some new, minor companies like Laitila make very interesting beers which have a rich flavour (Keisari and Marsalkka) and nowadays I rather spend my money on them although the price is somewhat high. Pubs do import Czech, German and British brew too and have a wide availability.

Finns have always drank a lot. Some would say too much. In history, until 1940's people made a booze called sahti and kilju that had a strong odour and tasted somewhat terrible. Long time ago, at a time of First World War and after that there was a twenty years period when alcohol was controlled and prohibited by law. Many made sahti secretly at home. Prohibition brought a taboo stamp for long time for being drunk in public or if you even went to a pub. But things changed of course. I'm soon an old fart and have not seen those days, but my generation's parents remember it still.

Punk rockers have always made kilju at home. Once when the Scots Oi polloi were touring in Finland first time they were amazed by kilju here and there's a rumour that when they returned to Britain and met the Doom guys there (who were going to tour next Finland), they told that "beware those Finns, they will give you a drink called 'kill-you' and they'll take you to hot sauna and spank you with tree branches!"  ;D The branches are actually made of birch and used to stimulate the skin while it's 85 celsius hot in sauna. It's a very old tradition.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 06:56:38 PM by Rusco »
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Re: You can"t have too many,,,,,,,,,,?
« Reply #119 on: April 07, 2014, 10:38:59 PM »
Karhu (kill you)

Hope to try some of that someday Rusco  ;)