Oh, shitting hell and arse bollocks...
I posted on another forum about how happy I was about getting another job after a period of deeply-worrying unemployment...
... now it looks like my new company has just lost their biggest client, costing them about half a mill and anyone, like me, who is on a probationary contract, is getting slung back on the dole by the end of the week...
I've worked temp contracts before and have always been ready for the whole 'getting rid of you at a moments notice' thing, but this looked different, it seemed like a done deal, they were happy with me, I was doing well with the job and getting on with everyone and they were deffo looking at taking me on...
I have sympathy for the company (nice folks, like I said, and it ain't just me that's getting hit by this) but after the sheer joy of getting off the dole (and not being tarred with the same brush as those on those 'poverty porn' shows like BENEFITS STREET or SKINT, which so many uninformed people in this country seem to think is truly representative of anyone unemployed)... well, I don't have the words to say how gutted I am tonight.
One step forwards and two steps back, eh?