Interesting points of view coming up here. As ever I'm not claiming to be right and can only go on my own lifestory but..............
Negativity feeds on negativity and it attracts it. The more there is the more it confirms our perceptions and attitudes and shapes our interactions with the world and everything in it. It's NOT a good thing. Don't get me wrong I'm not being all hippy and love the world regardless - a healthy cynicism and sense of realism is vital, overly positive people are as much of a piss off as relentlessly negative folk. And I'm not preaching from a comfortable position where nothing negative has happened (see my It Gets Better & TIAGD thread if you don't believe me, watch that video and I'm sure most of you will be able to imagine) but if I hadn't been able to break out of that negative and destructive cycle then it would not have been a happy outcome - trust me.
I suspect a lot of the time its more comfortable to stick with where we are rather than challenge and counter it. It's a lot ******* harder to make a change than is it to stay there. Certainly that was my experience for far too long. And the thing is, if you can channel all the energy that goes into negativity into something more productive its amazing how empowered and alive you can feel. It ain't easy and takes time - instead of a straight line graph heading for the stars thing of a wavelength graph gradually going up.
As Ldopas said
People want to serve you a shit sandwich all the time
And they do - making YOU feel bad is a quick easy fix to making THEM feel better about themselves. Fall for it if you like, I did. But it's self-defeating. No-one promised us that everything would be as we wanted it or we'd get what we want but look around the world there is always something worse that could happen and lives that are lived in unimaginable situations to any of us who have the ability to be here on the internet posting these thoughts.
Lets be clear, Ruscoe pointed out:
I haven't met IRL many of yous.
Me neither so I have no idea what your own lifestory has given you and I'm really not trying to trivialise anybody's experience at all. It's a discussion and I'm saying what I think that's all. And it's said with love not judgement

That's the heavy waffle shit bit done, back onto thread: What makes you sad? Not getting a second interview for a job I really wanted and needed, took a day off yesterday and drove all the way to bloody Cambridge and back spending petrol money I cant afford and the frigging Dartford Tunnel costs 2 quid each way as well! Still, got some good feedback and that WILL stand me in good stead for the next one so there you go something negative turned positive.
Kick off in 8 minutes bye....................