Refugee kids. The fact that it will not be okay for them. They are safe but they will see a lot of cruelty and not always be made to feel welcome. The fact that they are so far behind on education and that they may have experienced so much trauma. And there is nothing I can do for them to set it right. I can play with them, feed them, give them clothes and food but it does not make it better.
The part then I lost it and just cried was when one family left the boat. I became attached to these 12 kids and women who had husbands detained in Turkey. They could not speak english but someone how I felt I loved them. They had been abandoned my the local government and all people were thrown out the sleeping hall without warning. We comforted the crying mothers and the 12 kids were all under probably 7.
One kid said "I love you" in english and the mother kissed me. I should feel happy that I made the kids smile and brought a moment of joy but am not. Because the situation is not okay. I can't say everything will be okay because it will not. These people will eventually arrive in the port in Athens and sit in an overcrowded camp like the rest.
I can not cope with who cruel the world is nor can I detach from these people nor think about anything else.
I once liked to plan travel things and tours and fun stuff. Now All i think about is a possible food or clothes shortage and the borders and the well being of asylum seekers.
Sorry for this long post. I really need to just vent this as it is consuming my thoughts. Maybe putting it out will help in some way. Sadly writing about it, won't persuade Macedonia to open it's borders again.