Whilst I do not agree with Trump's actions, that is irrelevant. Have we not realised that he said exactly what he was going to do, the US electorate voted for it and he is doing it. A politician who is doing what he said he would do, to the letter. Now that is a rare thing!
Whilst in agreement with some of your sentiments, what gets me angry is the hypocrisy of the demos. People come out like robots against a democratically elected president, OK not a nice one to say the least, but I must have missed all the demos against Putin or Li Keqiang or Kim Jong-il and many others. You know, places where you will be killed or imprisoned for life for daring to protest, unlike the free USA where people do protest. Trump puts a ban on some countries in place for 120 days, yet Russia's persecution of gay people has been going for years, China is still in Tibet persecuting and killing with impunity and N Korea's people are starving and many in concentration camps. Not to mention numerous African, Asian and Middle East countries with genocides, persecution and no democracy. Yet no marches for them of the size against the US, funny that.
We do enjoy a good double standard in the UK don't we.