We have been having a bit of "bad luck" with the pets - one of the rabbits has been battling a really nasty abscess since February. That one is a real, mean fighter - so we keep fihgting with her. I do know, though, that we won't win this one, not in the long run. She's fine at the moment, so that's good...it's quite sad, though.
Last week, on the 22nd, we had to have our oldest dog put to sleep. We had only taken her in last December, a week before Christmas. We knew, of course, that she wouldn't be with us for long - she was already almost 15, maybe older, abandoned because of her age and health issues. She did recover nicely, though, and was always in such good spirits. It was a lot of work - but she was such a sweet thing and we thought she might be around for a while. And then it happened fairly quickly.
She did enjoy those 8 months, I know that - but it still hurts.
And Bruce, my first dog, is having some health issues as well at the moment: he has gone blind on one eye and will probably lose it eventually - this is probably worse for us than for him, but still. This has been caused, most likely, by anaplasmosis, an infection transmitted by ticks. This may have lurked for years and is currently being treated in the hopes to save the left eye. And then he has pancreas issues, too, we are trying to get under control. Good news is - he is still fit as a fiddel and just hates me for taking him to the vet (he does like the scoop of ice cream he gets after the visits, though

)He's in amazing shape for a dog his size and age - but for us humans it's just so difficult to watch and know - he's so special to me and...
Many pets, many troubles...all home-made, I suppose, so I shouldn't complain. And I'm not really complaining - I'll handle this, I can cope, as always. It just gets a little too much sometimes and I wish I could have a hug...