Ha ha Shush... I'm starting to feel like the rest of us are the Evil Dead... 'JOIN US...'

Interesting points about doing too much previewing of a new album... I'm a big fan of Fish (ex of Marillion) and he's posted so muvh stuff online (rehersal footage, demos of new tracks etc) of his new album that it's rather taken the shine off. It was great to hear much of his new stuff (excellent, BTW) when I saw him live a few months ago, but now I feel I've heard the new album before I've HEARD it, if you catch my drift. I almost feel a bit bad about hearing the three NMA tracks on Youtube... MIS was fantastic at the Christmas gig in Nottingham but I sort of wish I'd left H and 7T until I could hear them in their full, recorded glory. Dammit, I'm such a weak person...

Nevermind, 11 unheard tracks awaiting my eager ears... cannot bloody wait.