I've just listened to the album on the whole (finally

) and i understand the "Justin Sullivan and friends" feeling Stéphanie talked about but for me it's not really a problem because i think that Justin Sullivan's solo stuff ("Navigating by the stars") is his best accomplishment ever, ex aequo with "Thunder and consolation"

"Between dog and wolf" is a bit of a strange album, experimental a bit like the very divise "Strange Brotherhood" was in 1998.
It's not perfect, it's maybe slightly too long and a bit wandering in places but i still respect the band to trying something a bit different from their usual rock, raw and more immediate sound (i mean..."Qasr El Nil Bridge", what a unique, unusual sound for a NMA track

), even if it has still the band's stamp (echoes or "Carnival", "Strange brotherhood" and "Eight", here and there)...sometimes i felt about "world music" too, Peter Gabriel, the album takes the risk to be atmospheric and less "in your face", somewhat more abstract, almost soundtrack like.
More later... ( "Ghosts" is an intriguing closing song, i like the lyrics, again)