Took dogs for long walk in woods 'n cross fields, to have a listen to the new album, order from amazon must say instant mp3 download you get free when you buy hard copy cd very slick idea.
Took High and TIAGD on exact same walk so setting a tradition for self really, remember songs like into the wind, piece is only, dawn, Autumn, high totally blew me away thought last two albums both master pieces.
Found myself searching and searching on first few listens of this new material, instantly liked March and seven times but the rest?, on reading posts here more than couple echo my thoughts of waited and waited for it to kind of start, and it kinda didn't, won't dismiss just yet though it needs right mood I think.
That said am looking forward to hearing these songs mixed in live hopefully with loads of the other new stuff.
Also the artwork all round this album is absolutely stunning - captures mood of album superbly very impressed - may do have to nick some of these colours for new home décor.
All the best.