It's been fun to watch the posts since the release - now that I've had the chance to listen 20 odd times I feel I might almost be able to comment with some conviction.
So in no particular order (as of today anyway):
Pull the Sun - makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. It's got a little of the Aimless Desire vibe, a song I can see Justin using to "cool down" the fans at live gigs.
Knievel - another one of those songs where Justin's lyrics open a window into human nature - I find myself thinking about this long after the track is over.
Qasr el Nil Bridge - this one's growing on me more with each listen. As with many tracks, I find myself in awe of Michael's drum rhythms; gorgeously complex, yet still with that driving NMA feel that's carried us all for decades.
Tomorrow Came - "pray God they'll forgive us", damn, there's the hair on the neck up again. I look across the room at my son and I could almost weep. These lyrics tear me apart.
Summer Moors - there's probably a ballad on every NMA album that I think I'll still be listening to years from now; this one's probably it.
That wasn't easy; it's a gorgeous album in it's entirety.