I think everyone's take is great and this thread is awesome, this is not meant as an argument, imagine us in a park having a discussion and im smiling trying to give you a different perspective with random points

as a musician maybe my tastes are more varied, i look for more honest exploration in the groups i support and try to be open to change, not always as much as i think lol, i still like their DNA to be present and i'm into a very wide variety of sounds so this lp was very nice to hear. in all honestly over the past 10 years NMA is one of the few bands who have a singer that i will still give the time of day to ... blaghblaghblagh .. like Joe Strummer said some time back "well it's all been done already" or close to that when asked why he doesnt write love songs ... i digress

This album has one main thing that is similar to all other NMA lps, NMA wrote and played it so to me it sounds like them as every album they have done does. they're one of those bands, not only thanx to Justins distinctive voice but the music does have their "trade mark" sound (DNA), sure Stuarts not playing melodic bass lines, that era passed in 1985 (ok Moose carried it on sorta) but one cant argue that you never know if its NMA you're listening to or not. from Vengeance to Between Dog and Wolf there is no mistaking its the same group if you have even a minor education on their back catalogue.
The 2nd track, March In September could be a companion piece to I Wish which takes us back to what 1984?

I said it in a different thread , to me this lp is if the Price ep, the Acoustic EP and the Ballads ep all combined their audible DNA into one piece it would have grown up to be Between Dog and Wolf.

The 1st track "Horsemen" how can a tribal support system like NMA has, who incorporate this whole Pagan/tribal aspect into our whole lives not thrive on the 1st track alone?!?!

And the lyrics, esp at most of our ages, Justin is a few years older then me i but we're all in the sunset time of our lives and at time the lyrics on this lp can almost be too haunting, amazing stuff. at least for how my brain has interpreted them thus far.

After hearing this lp the first time my greatest concern was the mastering of the drums in comparison to the rest of the instruments, NOT AND BY NO MEANS did i think the obvious tribal element of the lp would be an issue for anyone and i figured this would be considered by the support base as the best NMA lp ever due to its tribal elements that are basically the main course of the song writing.

I do not think there is one great best NMA lp not even 2 for me each one is the best is a succession of brilliance of sound and words.
I'm not too sure why the songs wont work live, the tribal aspect of the lp plays well to human movement.

again not trying to be a DB here at all, would love to be hanging with all of you passing a fattie and talking about this lp in person no matter what the thoughts coz it obvious we all love it on some level and are all here talking and communing, all the best to all of you always.