I've heard he has gone half and half, still using regular fags also. Looks like he has gone for one of those larger tank type E-cigs. Couldn't get on with those myself, I prefer the smaller fake fag ones without a button, which you can also refill if you know how to do it. Watching him with it, he shows the draw back with E-cigs over normal cigs. When you smoke a fag, you put it out, then have another sometime later. With an E-cig, you can find yourself using it for ages without really noticing. There is no real point in which you need to put it down. I can find myself sat in a pub puffing away constantly for half an hour without realising it.
I'm all for them, and haven't smoked for over a year, but I do wonder if although I am not getting tar in my lungs, am I actually getting more nicotine from repetitive use?