Two vastly different films I've watched over the last couple of days...
Firstly The Father, which Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for, a hugely moving film about a man with dementia. As someone who lost two much beloved grandparents to that awful disease, I can't deny that I was somewhat teary throughout. Mr Hopkins certainly deserved his award for that one. Great movie.
And then I saw Godzilla Vs Kong... damn, what a nonsensical thing it was, but a fun nonsensical thing! Basically, Godzilla is attacking humanity and various cities and it's somehow because of... erm... something to do with a whole new inverted world a million miles below the Earths crust... where Kong (who is now living in some Truman Show type biosphere) originally came from, so they try and take Kong back there (with a little girl who he has some psychic connection with, or something) but Kong breaks out and starts fighting with the big lizard and then goes to the underground world and other stuff happens and... well, I kind of lost track of it after that but a big city gets destroyed at the end, I think it was Hong Kong, or possibly Tokyo, with the titular characters just twatting each other and knocking over buildings for a very long time until it goes a bit 'Batman Vs Superman' at the end, if you know what I mean (hopefully you don't, BvsS was just awful)...
So, yeah, not a bad film.