Actually now the weather`s been quite nice last week. Only -1 celsius and sun shining. It hasn´t rained at all. That's what I like with spring when there`s much more light and nature wakes up very slowly. Birds get active and start to build their nests. Humidity is not so high, just enough for the plants to grow up.
As I recently told here about minus degrees and what kind of winter we should have here, there`s an interesting point with a "normal" winter, that the air humidity is very low when temperature drops to minus. Air is dry if there`s -20 celsius and snow. It`s not the snow you could mould in your hands.
I`ll check if I can find some winter video to you here...
Ok, this youtube
video was filmed in Nilsiä in 2011. It`s not the area where we live but 600km:s to north.
Winter is normally similar around here in south coastal areas too. (My roots are actually from Nilsiä from my father`s side...)