Good question - that'll be a whole new thread
Interesting thread, the obsession, the this case...NMAddiction!

Are we obssessed or passionate?
I probably am but I am like that about everything I am interested in.
Me too...i have many obssessions/addictions, more than the NMA one...aside of my passion for NMA i am "obssessed" by watching movies and for example i'm "addicted" by a few directors like Dario Argento, Michael Mann, John Carpenter, i own all their films on dvd/blu ray, i own books, soundtracks, posters about their works etc
Same for NMA...i listen to the band since 1995 and i have seen them live 8 or 9 times since, i own all the albums, live and compilations, i own dvds, vhs, magazines about them, i am a member here on their official forum, etc
So yes i'm obssessed...the good side of an obsession is that it is a "goal" in your life, a reason to be passionnate about something in your life, the wrong side is that it leaves you less less time (i need more time!!) for others...obsessions