Right, this pissed me off today... I popped over to ALDI on my local retail park for a few essentials and saw a couple of scummy, utter low-lifes doing a con-trick that I've seen so many times before... they come up to you, all polite and shit, asking 'excuse me, mate, you got a 20p piece for my two ten pences...?'
... they always target people who look a bit vulnerable and once the mark has their wallet out, they manouver themselves so the mark is up against a wall and then pull some bullshit that always ends with their fingers in the victims wallet, removing cash whilst saying 'yeah, no worries, I'll pay you back' or some such shit...
Yeah, sounds like mugging, but the way they do it won't stand up in court. The guy I saw 'marked' sounded like he had learning difficulties or something...
So why didn't I do something? I wish I could have done something, but I see one of two possible scenarios. One, they both kick the shit out of me and IF it goes to court, they get off because the police have their hands tied thanks to so many do-gooders with too much education and no common sense sticking their bullshit ideas into the legal system. Not for the first time, as I've mentioned in previous forums. Two, I somehow manage to get the upper hand, batter both of them (not very likely) and I wind up in court and an army of solictors / social workers and the like make excuses for those two utter c-words...
This world has been given to the criminals. They do what the hell they want. Thanks to the aforementioned idiots...
Shit, I wish I could go all DEATH WISH of them all... 'I believe in justice...' as a wise man once said...